Chapter 15

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I woke up to darkness, turning my head I glanced at that the alarm clock and noticed it was well passed 8pm. Stretching slightly, I got up and got dressed. Grabbing the head set and radio from the table, before strapping in my weapons.

Heading downstairs I noticed that the club was in full swing and packed, two bartenders were serving drinks and there were a total of 10 girls making rounds to the patrons in booths and at the tables.

Scanning the room I noticed Claire and Bellamy standing near the back wall. Moving on the out skirts of people I observed the club at its peak. Watching how the guards and staff worked, paying attention to who they paid attention to.

No one seemed interested in anyone other than the clientele, resuming my search I noticed two men begin shoving each other around. I was about to move into action when I caught sight of a slim dark haired figure slip in between the two men.

"Knock it off our I'll throw your asses out," she snapped placing her hands on each of their chests keeping them away from each other.

I glanced around and saw Bellamy in the same spot that he had been in when I first came down. I moved in closer in case she needed back up but was surprised when one of the men grabbed her arm.

"Stay out of this little girl, that bastard stole my money and I'm going to get it back." The man growled at her.

I watched her wrench her arm away from the man before stepping in close to his face.

"I won't repeat myself again," she snarled, "there is no fighting in this club."

I watched in fascination as the man went to shove her away, her movements quick and agile, she knocked back his hands and smashed her fist into his face. Grabbing the back of his neck as his head snapped back, she took advantage of his surprise and slammed his face into the poker table.

"You're no longer welcome in this club," she snapped as she grabbed his collar and dragged him to the front entrance. "I see your face in here again and I'm calling the cops." She finished as she threw him out into the street.

Amazement crawled through me at the sight of this tiny slip of a woman throwing a full grown man out of the club.

"Your tongues hanging out," Jace joked from beside me. My gaze snapped back to his and I frowned. "Wipe your mouth, there's drool."

"Fuck off," I snapped moving away as he began laughing. Slipping through the crowds and scanning people as I went, I placed myself against a far wall near the corner.

From here I could see the whole club, the comings and going off all the patrons. To the restrooms, to outside as well as all the goings of the staff and guards. I could hear orders being given through the ear piece, nine of it pertained to me but I kept the line open in case something happened.

My eyes moved across the mass of people in the room but my eyes always managed to land on her, taking her in while she was in her element was amazing.

She scanned the crowd, her eyes taking everything in. When she looked at them she could tell whether they would cause problems or not, it was an impressive skill to be able to tell that from one look.

It was a skill that I had honed in my time and it was something that had saved my ass a time or two.

Glancing down at my watch I noticed that it had been a couple hours since I had come down into the club, releasing the sleeve to my jacket I felt a sick feeling slide down my spine.

Looking up I didn't see anything out of order but I couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to happen.

Scanning the room carefully, I noticed a man sitting in a back booth. His face was hidden by the pale lighting that the booths offered, but I could make out his profile. I couldn't tell from my position but I knew that his eyes were trained on Claire and by her stiff posture I could tell she felt it too but didn't know for sure where it was coming from.

"Second booth, something isn't right." I murmured into the head piece. Someone bumped into me as I moved into the group of people distracting me for a moment and when I looked up the booth was empty.

I looked around as I saw Jace rush into the booth only to come out empty handed, he shook his head in my direction so I began scanning the crowds of people.

I couldn't tell what way he went and the feeling that hit my stomach wasn't good.

"Check all the exits now," I ordered. Jace pushed his way too me, "Get Claire upstairs into the safe room, tell her you need help scanning the club."

I rushed away from him heading for the back of the club, I noticed Bellamy barking orders to 4 guards. Nodding at him when his eyes landed on me I motioned for the back hallway.

Pulling a gun from its holster I moved down the hallway, checking rooms until I made my way to the back storage room. The door was part way open, creaping up to the door I glanced inside.

I noticed a guard laying on the floor blood slipping down the side of his face, grimacing at the sight I shouldered the door open. My gun in front of me I scanned the room before moving inside.

The room was empty except for guard passed out on the floor, inching my way to him I leaned down and checked for a pulse. Relief filled me as I felt his heart beat, raising from the floor I moved to the back entrance that lead to the alley.

Turning the handle, I pushed it open and rushed through. I didn't have time to react as something hit me from behind causing me to fall forward.

I felt the warmth seeping down the side of my neck, "Nick?" I heard Jace talking in the ear piece but I couldn't respond my vision dancing in and out. "Go to the back, he was headed that way."

I turned my head, blinking rapidly trying to catch sight of the person who had hit me but the black spots in my vision made it impossible.

"She will be mine, soon enough." I heard a gravely voice whisper before I heard the whistling of movement and everything went black.

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