Chapter 16

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I ran down the hallway towards the backroom, my gun raised I saw the guard on the floor. "Caine, check on him." I ordered as I went for the back door.

"Claire, wait for back up." Caine whispered as he went to the guard on the floor.

Ignoring him I pushed on it slightly I peered to the side, the alley to my right was empty. Pushing it all the way open I turned to my left glancing about but it was empty as well.

Frowning I moved towards the dumster, static could be heard and it grew louder the closer I got. Caustiously I walked in front of the dumpster before swinging my gun to the other side that had been hidden.

My breath caught in my throat at the sight if him slumped on the ground, "Jace outside." I ground out as I raced to his side.

"Nick?" I questioned softly, reaching out I placed my fingers to his throat and released a breath I hadn't realized I had been holding when I felt his heart beat.

Brushing some of his hair out of his face, I let myself remember our time together.

He had just walked away from me and for all intents and purposes I should have let him go but I didn't want our time to end. Making up my mind, I raced out of the hotel bar and looked at the elevator watching the numbers that lit up as he ascended.

I watched as the elevator reached his floor before running up the stairs, half way I had to stop to take off my shoes before continuing on. When I reached his floor, I pushed open the door quietly and looked around.

I didn't see him anywhere, stepping into the hallway I glanced down all the corners and luck just happened to be on my side as I watched him slowly slipping his key into the lock before stepping into his room.

Leaning back against the wall I closed my eyes trying to settle the harsh beating of my heart. Running my fingers through my thick hair and adjusting my clothes, I leaned down to replace my shoes. Taking a deep breath I walked down the hallway and hoped that this time he wouldn't be able to walk away.

Stepping in front of his door I held my hand up to knock but I paused, biting my lip I contemplated what I was doing but for some reason it felt right. Despite all the reasons I should walk away and not look back, there were several reasons as to why I should knock on the door and do what I came to do.

In contemplating what I should do, the choice was taken from me as the door swung open. Standing before me in all his glory was the man, the stranger that just spent my night talking to. His dark hair and blue eyes held me captive as I stared at his chiseled face.

"Alex?" He asked looking perplexed. Internally I cringed at the fake name I had given him when we first met but I couldn't bring myself to correct it.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, glancing down I noticed the duffle bag handle in his hand. He hadn't lied when he said he was leaving.

Licking my lip, I watched with satisfaction as he followed the movement. Stepping closer to him, watching for any sign that I read his actions tonight incorrectly. I watched as his hand tightened on the handle of the duffle bag but he didn't stop my advancement.

"I couldn't let you leave, not without doing this." I whispered an instant before I pressed my lips against his.

He groaned an instant before I felt his arms come around my waist to press me closer against his hard body. I wrapped my arms around his neck, my fingers slipping into his hair. I licked his bottom lip and eagerly accepted the opening he offered as he deepened the kiss.

I pushed the door closed with my heel and pushed lightly against his chest until his back hit the wall, moaning as my body became flush with his. I felt his hand creep up my neck and fist in my hair, before the hand that remained at my waist tightened and instant before he reversed our position.

I groaned as he ground his hips into mine, holding me above the ground against the wall as he grasped my hands holding them above my head.

He never removed his lips from mine, as he took over what I had started...

"Claire?" I jumped at the sound of Jace yelling for me in the alley, breaking me away from my thoughts.

"Over here," I called out as I traced his cheek with the palm of my hand before stepping away and putting on a blank face.

"Shit, what happened?" Jace asked as he ran over to Nick and I.

"He must have been taken by surpise," I told him as Bellamy came skidding to a halt near us.

"Come on Bell, help me get him inside." I watched as Jace and Bellamy moved him from the alley and took him upstairs to his room. I stopped by my room and grabbed the medical bag before following them inside.

"I'll get him cleaned up," I told them as I began fishing out antiseptics and gauzes.

"We'll close the club up, call if you need anything." I nodded my eyes trained on Nick causing me to miss the meaningful look that the two men behind me shared before they left the room.

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