Chapter 9

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We exited the room and made our way back to the weapons room.

"Here," Jace said as he threw a shoulder holster at me. "Pick your weapons." He grinned as he held his arms out wide. Rolling my eyes at him, I walked into the room my gaze sweeping across the walls and tables filled with weapons.

I grabbed a set of knives along with holders and strapped them to my ankles, stripping my jacket I slid the double shoulder holster around my shoulders.

Walking towards the back my eyes landed on a pair of glock Generation 3 19's, black coating and 10 bullet holding clips. Smirking I ran my hands along the handles before I grabbed one and shoved the clip inside.

"Of course he would chose those," Bellamy stated as he eyed my choice of hand guns.

"Why?" I asked as I grabbed the other and shoved the clip inside it as well. Making sure they were secure in the holsters, I grabbed my jacket and slipped my arms through.

"Someone else loves those as well," Jace smirked not commenting on it further.

"If your ready we need to get down stairs." Bellamy states as he glances at his watch. I followed them out of the room and down the hall.

Taking the elevator down we walked through the club and to the backroom where two men were bringing in boxes from outside. Following Bellamy and Jace out the door into the sunlight.

An unmarked truck sat outside, I could see a man filling out paperwork in the front seat and could hear another shuffling about in the back. I followed them to the back of the truck and that's when my eyes landed on her.

Her back was to us but I knew who she was, the breath left my lungs in a giant whoosh. It had been 10 years, 10 whole years since I had seen her and my body still felt it like it was the first time.

My mind flashed back to the hotel, the one weekend that had been haunting me for years.

I had just finished a job and was enjoying some whiskey before my flight the next day, when the most beautiful woman had sat two chairs down from me.

Her long black hair fell in ringlets around a face so soft looking that it had to have been illegal. Her big green eyes looked so sad but held so much courage, as she lifted her face to the bartender and asked for a scotch on the rocks.

She had sat there sipping on her drink for what couldn't have been more than 15 minutes before a man walked up to her and tried initiating conversation.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing here all by yourself?" He asked as he leaned into the bar next to her.

"Enjoying myself," she muttered without flicking him a glance.

"How about some company?" He asked his voice dropping as his eyes ate her up.

"How about not?" She responded.

"Come on baby, I'll make it worth your while," he whispered testing the waters by leaning in. I watched cautiously in case he tried hurting her.

I watched as she closed her eyes and twirled the glass in her hand about an inch above the bar. I could see the wheels turning in her mind before she opened her eyes and brought the drink to her lips.

"Come on sweetheart, why don't we get out of here?" He asked as he slid a finger down her uncovered arm. I felt my stomach churn as jealousy had ripped through me at the action.

Turning myself back towards the bar I gripped my glass in my hands before raising it to my lips. Letting the alcohol slid down my throat before placing my glass back on the table.

"If you don't move your hand off of me, my boyfriend will blow your brains out." She whispered so low that I almost didn't catch what she had said.

"I don't see your boyfriend any where around here, darling. Besides what he doesn't know won't hurt him." The man had whispered back to her. I looked up at the shelves lining the back wall behind the bar, the mirrored glass caught my reflection.

Looking down into my drink, I heard her respond with, "that's what you think." My eyes snapped up to look at them in the mirror when my eyes met hers.

Her gaze never moved from mine as she tilted the glass and took another sip. When she tilted the glass back down her eyes flicked to her right at the guy sitting there before they met mine in the mirror again. I smirked as she looked at him and then at me before raising her eyebrow.

Nodding once, I slid from my stool and silently walked up to the guy who was currently trying to get as close to her as possible. Glancing about the bar I noticed that we were the only people in there with the exception of the two people sitting at the back.

I slipped my gun from the waist of my jeans and leaned in to kiss her on her cheek.

"Who the fuck are you?" The man asked as I straightened up. "She's with me, or are you blind?" He snapped.

I felt my lips twitch for a second before placing my gun on the bar, "I'm her boyfriend." I uttered lowly.

I watched as his eyes widened in panic before glancing down at her and then back to me. "Okay, man what ever you say." He mumbled before backing away and running out the door.

"Pussy," I muttered before returning my gun back to its place and moving back to my seat. Picking up my half finished drink I took a sip, my night had just been made.

"Thank you," my eyes closed at the sultry voice of the dark haired angel.

"Don't mention it," I responded before downing my glass.

"Can I buy you another?" I ground my teeth as I felt my cock jerk in reaction.

I glanced at her and pulled out the seat next to me, watching as she slid in. She waved to the bar tender before holding up two fingers and pointing to the two empty glasses in front of us.

"My name is Alex," she said as turned her attention back on me.


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