Chapter 41

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The next morning was a blur of activity, Claire was excited to be finding out that we could go back to the club and was throwing clothes at me, basically telling me to hurry my ass up.

The frequent phone calls to Bell and Jace weren't helping and she wanted to be there, part of me wanted that for her but another part didn't know what the hell that meant for us.

Sighing, I threw the blankets off of my naked form and began getting dressed. I knew she wouldn't wait long and would leave without me if I didn't hurry things along.

It took 20 minutes to get out of the apartment and another 10 to get a cab and make our way to the club. I chuckled to myself as she launched herself from the back seat and raced to the front door, I took my time and paid the driver before following her footsteps.

I was surprised to find her waiting for me with the door open. Once I reached her side she walked into the club with me on her heels, Jace and Bellamy were talking by the new bar.

I paused as she stopped and looked at me before grabbing my hand and linking out fingers together before marching up to the two of them.

It didn't take long for them to notice our presence or the fact that our hands were linked.

"Pay up buttercup," Jace laughed as he held out his hand towards Bell.

"You have got to be kidding me," he growled before reaching into his pocket and slapping two hundreds into Jace's waiting hand.

"Told you," Jace smirked before pocketing the money.

"What the fuck were you two betting on," Claire snapped when we reached their side.

"Oh nothing," Bellamy stated before turning back to the paperwork that laid on the bar.

Claire let go of my hand and grabbed both men by the ears and twisted, I watched in amusement as they both hollered for her to stop.

"Dammit, Claire. Let go!" Jace yelled as he hissed when she twisted harder.

"Tell me. Now." She hissed.

"Okay, okay just let go." Bellmay yelled then growled when she twisted just a little harder but let them go. I watched as they each rubbed their ears and gave her menacing glares.

"Spill, now or else.." She trailed off.

"I hired Nick to guard you but I also wanted him here for something else." Bellamy started.

"Excuse me?" I asked stepping forward.

"Look it wasn't anything bad, we know about the two of you." I shared a questioning look with Claire before she huffed and placed her hands on her hips and tapped her foot impatiently waiting for them to continue.

"10 years ago you two spent an entire weekend cooped up in that motel." Jace started to say.

"You knew about that?" Claire asked as her eyes widened in disbelief.

"You can't honestly tell me that we would let you wonder off without us?" Jace asked quietly.

"You were the two men sitting in the back," I whispered recalling that night.

"Yes, we wanted to make sure she was okay. Your mother had just died and we knew you needed space but we wanted to be there in case you needed us." He finished looking apologetic.

"We kept our distance and when you came across Nick, we split. We knew who he was, what he did for a living and knew you would be safe." Her gaze shot to me before looking at both of them.

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