Chapter 43

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Things were going down and soon, the minute Bellamy demanded I go through everyone on staff with a fine tooth comb I knew. Leaning back in the chair and stretching my cramped legs, I couldn't help but wonder what exactly was going on.

Jace and Bell were tight lipped about what ever it was they were doing, after my first search of the club members I went ahead and began to dig deeper.

I wanted to triple make sure that there were no leaks and no more surprises like before. However the club being attacked stopped my initial search until now.

For the past two hours, I had been hacking into the police data bank and pulling all records for employees listed for the club. Everyone came up squeeky clean, nothing to really report to anyone about.

Sighing I rubbed my temples as I finished the last record that I could get my hands on. Reaching down i picked up my phone and called the only person I knew that would help me.

"Dawson," the soft voice floated around me.

"Hey pretty girl," I chuckled at her snort.

"What do you need Jason?" She asked, knowing I wouldn't call unless it was necessary.

"I need a favor," I told her smiling into the phone.

"Of course you do, what has Nick done now?" She demanded, I couldn't help the smirk that formed at her soft voice trying to sound bossy.

"Why do you always assume Nick has done something?" I asked trying for innocence.

"Don't play coy with me young man, I know damn well Nick is in something or else you wouldn't be calling me. Which by the way, you promised to visit." I smiled warmly at her tone.

"I know, sweetheart and I haven't forgotten it either." I told her watching the cameras.

"You better have Nick come see me too, can't be doing all these favors for my favorite boys and not get a anything in return." She chastised.

"I'll make sure to tell him," I chuckled.

"So are you going to tell me what Nick has done now?" She pushed and I let her win, knowing that no matter what she would find out the truth.

"I came back home..." I trailed off and waited for what I knew was coming but I was met with silence.

"Dawson?" I asked.

"Are you sure that's wise, Jason?" She asked softly.

"Nicks brother got into deep waters, babe. They knew who he was and wanted a way to get to Nick." The angry growl on the other end made me smirk again. "Now don't go getting your panties in a twist. They needed Nicks help, they just used a ruse to get him to comply and hear them out."

"Then why did you go back? If this was only about Nick, why did you go back?" She asked clearly agitated.

"I wasn't about to let him come in here alone. I know them and how they operate, if something happened I didn't want Nick to be alone in the Lions den." I told her pulling on the tie at my neck.

"Put that tie back in place, you look cute with it on." She chuckled and I shook my head and looked at the camera in the corner.

"Your skills never get old." I told her and blew her a kiss.

"Your such a tease," she joked. "Now, what is it you need?"

I picked up the folder and walked to the camera, holding up a piece of paper so she could see. "I need you to do a complete background check on all these names and I mean complete, Dawson. I want everything you can find, if they pick their ass or what way the hold it when they piss, I need it all."

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