Chapter 22

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*Connie's POV*

We all went back to the Nordic house, and yes, including the girls.Today was a day none of us expected to come. Or even happen, or even think of it happening.

First, Petra crashes her car at a tree, then Mikasa can afford buying her a new car and she agrees to it (well that's not much of a big deal but STILL) and last but not least, MARCO IS ALIVE.

I mean, we saw him dead like, almost a year ago. Was it really him? I mean we never saw him die, it was never confirmed if that was really him.

And if he actually is alive and we weren't just hallucinating, why would he hide after all this time? Why didn't he just let us know that he survived and we would spend the rest of our lives with the jerky Jean...okay, I think I see one of his points.

But that doesn't even make any sense. He's a good guy, never saw him committing a sin. He was so loyal to us and never left us behind,why would he hide or run from us?

And I'm guessing all of this would be answered, because Armin entered the house, with a bunch of papers and files.

"Hey guys, I'm about to tell you more unexpected news. But before that, I'm going to explain how Marco is still alive, seeing to it that you guys texted me, all caps."

He opened the file, revealing Marco's journal. He began to read as if he owned the journal, so that explains two months of dramatic practice.

"Hey, journal...its Marco again. Today is the day of the war against my team and the Titans. Hopefully none of us dies or gets hurt, because I have a plan for escape that nobody but me knows about. Alright here it is,

I've found out that there's a Titan looking similar as me. So after I defeat Annie's Titan twin and release her, blackmailing her that if she spills a word of this to anyone, I'll look for her and kill her. I'll burn the half of the Titan and drop it on the ground, the others would think that was me.

(Note: Titans in this book are actually normal humans killing other humans. Not giant senseless monsters.)

Then I'll escape and go somewhere out of the continent known as America, where I've found more Titans there. And I will kill them, and when I do, I can tell my friends would be here too. But they can't know about my mission, I have to work on this alone, nobody else can get hurt."

"Let me get this straight, Marco hid from us pretending he was dead, escaped to America earlier than we ever have, and he already killed all the Titans here and not let us know a thing just so he can protect us? Well that just makes him more of a badass, and kinda hot if I admit..." Jean pointed out weirdly.

Everyone was just staring at Jean awkwardly, while Eren was screaming in the background, "GAYYYYY."

"Oh shut your face, Yeager. We all know you're depressed about it on the other hand as an obsessed Titan killer because Marco didn't allow at least you to join him on his Titan killing spree." Jean sassed, and while I screamed in the background,


"Shut up, Connie..." Eren muttered, "It's not only depressing. It's also soul-sucking, life-ruining, inexplicably like a horrible man zit that you possibly cannot hide-"

"Okay now I'm telling you to shut up, Yeager. And as you all know, you should shut up when a badass tomboy tells you to or else this badass tomboy is going to shove her badass foot up your ass." Ymir grunted.

"Speaking of the Pringles I'm eating right now, where's Sasha?" I asked with my mouth full for munching all those potato chips.

"She's in the hospital with Isabel, Mikasa and Levi to visit Petra. Also Annie's there, I just don't know why." Krista replied.

"I do...I was just there, and that's the other unexpected news I wanted to tell you guys." Armin sighed.

"Okay, spill it then." Eren scoffed.

Admins sighed again before he answered, and Eren was taking a long sip on some tequila in front of Jean.

"Annie's pregnant."

Eren spit his tequila in front of Jean... continuously. While Ymir hugged Krista tight, shouting, "DONT WORRY KRISTA, WHOEVER DID THIS, IT WILL NOT HAPPEN TO YOU!! I WILL PROTECT YOU!!"

My jaw simply just dropped, I can't even bother to talk of how surprising this was to me. We're just...well merely adults, just turned into college students (since there was a reconstruction, we won't be in college again for another two months)

"And that's not even the shocking part yet." Armin again dramatically said. "She didn't get this by...the normal way. Here's the story of how she got this. We was experimented after she was caught by the Titans."

Eren chuckled while fake barfing, "Man that's just worse, dude."

"Not that kind of experimenting, Eren. They kept giving injecting her with random serums, thinking of a way to turn her into a mad Titan like they were. So the fake Bertholdt injected her with a serum which will make her give birth in a matter of months without having know what."

"That's nuts..." Eren sipped more tequila as he exclaimed.

"I'm just going to...go to the hospital to visit Sasha now..." I awkwardly walked out of the room. Man there's a lot happening, huh.

Oh well...I'll just have to live with it. Anyways, I went to Petra's room in the hospital. I said hi to everyone and kissed Sasha's cheek.

"So how's the arm, Pet?" I asked.

"Oh...its doing fine, it'll wear off in a few days or so. At least that's what I keep telling Levi, he's just examining it to see what else happened." Petra giggled.

"So did you figure out what happened to Annie?" Mikasa questioned.

"Yeah...what did happen to Annie? Why did Mikasa seem so speechless on the phone." Sasha added.

I sighed, "Annie is pregnant."


"She didn't lose her virginity, Isabel. She was injected with something that can make her give birth in a few months. Crazy, huh?"

"Tell me about it, I can't believe it though, that is really insane." Sasha made a fake explosion using her hands.

"Well...its life..." Levi muttered

A/N: More unexpecations in the next chapter. Anyways, I know this chapter's a little weird and stuff. Yeah I have really nothing to say, that's just music speak for I suck.

Just kidding, I literally have nothing else to say right now. So yah haha see yall later! I'll update in other books.

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