Chapter 20

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*Connie's POV*

I woke up on the floor. It's weird. Sasha hasn't pushed me off the bed for two years... It can't be her... Then who? Then I realized there was a huge word on the wall saying, "BTT WAS HERE!!"

I groaned, "Sasha...Its them again?" She yawned in response, luckily she still remained on the bed. "Yeah it's them again. They are so annoying!"

She got up and went to the bathroom, probably off to brush her teeth. She came out of the bathroom with her eyes almost closed, but widened when she saw me.

"Wait...why do you have a painted mustache on your face? And a tomato face paint on your forehead?"

I looked at the mirror, hand hitting my head against it. Now if you're all confused at this point, I'm just gonna explain every single detail.

You see, there's this...trio, called the Bad Touch Trio. They're a bunch of pranking pervs who just mess up and doodle our house.

They are really annoying and weird and crazy. We're lucky we have a British cleaning service. If we didn't, we had to do double the work.

Me and Sasha went downstairs to grab some breakfast. I could see Isabel challenging Mathias to a Ping Pong game while Mikasa frustratingly doing some perfect photoshop.

Annie discovered a new 'anime' called Black Butler. She noticed one of the 'suitor guys' looked and was named exactly like one of the Butlers. But she didn't seem to care and just watched and watched.

Me and Sasha were having one of those old school gum eating contests. It just wasn't really the same since number one, we were in someplace different. And two, some grayish whitish haired boy wearing red peeking at us.

"Well you took forever, Iceland..." Lukas muttered.

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you. This is Iceland. I will tell you his real name later since I am so lazy and such a good friend..." Mikasa spoke sarcastically.

"I WIN!!' Sasha chirped, stuff in all the gum into her big mouth. I spit all the gum into a trash can and playfully slapped my fist against the table, "That's not fair!"

"Aww don't worry, I'm sure you'll possibly make it in thirty years." She teased.

"Are you guys gonna get the costumed for the fricking Gravity Falls costume yet? were the ones who said Halloween was going to be in a few weeks. Aren't you supposed to be the ones buying them?" Annie rolled her eyes.

"Just because you're Tambry, doesn't mean you have to act like her. All status update and such." Sasha giggled whole choking out her gum. It was a cute giggle.

"Shut up, I'm practicing anyways. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to practice and you're gonna tell me on a scale of one to ten how I'm doing." Annie said, clearing her throat and began imitating Tambry,

"Status update: in a weird house with a bunch of Nords who dun even kno how to even, and some pansies won't STFU. SOS..."

Isabel chuckled, "That was amazing imitating, Annie. I'm not even kidding."

"Neither was I..." She chuckled back. And that's when Izzy stopped laughing."wow... Such kind words of wisdom..."

"I'll just buy the costumes with Armin and Eren. Sasha, I'll text u when I'm done Kay?" I told my gf.

"Kay. Don't get robbed. Love ya..." She muttered. "Love ya too..." I cackled.

I took my backpack and walked outside. I took one of the slowest walks and texted Eren and Armin, so when I get to the house, they would already be outside and I wouldn't see any of those...idiots.

Not only because I'm jealous of one of the guys flirting with Sasha, but him and his friend are former boyfriends of Isabel and Mikasa.

I texted them and thought about the plan. And there I realized it wasn't worth it, because guess who approached me...

"Hey! Guy with gray hair!"

I turned around, with my eyes widening. It was Sasha's flirter and Mikasa's ex boyfriend, Makoto Tachibana...

"Why the hell are you approaching me? Weeks after you flirted with my girlfriend and trying to approach your ex who turns out to be her friend?"

"I'm sorry for that, I really am. I just wanted to show to Mikasa that I still exist, I didn't mean to harm your relationship."

" winked at Sasha just so you can get closer to Mikasa?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Sure, I didn't really have much interest on Sasha. Only on her friend." He embarrassingly scratched the back of his neck.

"I just hated how things went with her. Then when I realized she was in town, I did the best I could to make her remember me, but she does and it sure isn't in the way I wanted it to be..."

"Why? She dumped you, obviously. Do you think she'd still like you or something?" I joked around.

"Not that way though. I just thought we could still be friends or something. And I can't believe she told you how she dumped me..."

I gagged, because I didn't and I just rudely guessed, "'s weird, how she hates you so much..."

We continued to walk around until we got to the house. He left and I pretended I never had that conversation. And so I went with Eren and Armin to the cosplay store.

"I still can't believe Annie doesn't like us to cosplay as Steven Universe! The fusions look like giant Titans, it's a relatable thing!" Eren complained.

"I'm just sad we ain't gonna cosplay as Fairy Tail. I wanted to be fricking Grey and for Sasha to be Juvia. It would've been great!"

"I wanna be powers...and fire eating powers. All the flaming hot powers..." Eren showed off his pizazz.

"The only complain I have with Mikasa's Gravity Falls thing is that I have to be Robbie. I have to wear mascara, get a black stitch heart jacket and get a black wig. And I need. To have this...fake or real vampire mark on the chin. And isn't Robbie dating Tambry? Who's going as Tambry?"

Me and Eren looked at each other, trying to hold the secret. Unfortunately whoever told us that secret were idiots because we sure hell can't keep one...

"Blue eyes..." We both laughed in unison. Armin, on the other hand, gagged, "Annie!? What the hell is wrong with you guys!? And what kind of an excuse for a pair are you making up here!?"

"Something we'd all like to call 'matchmade'!" Eren punched his fist into the air. After that sassily crossing his arms, "And guess where I got that from?"

"Gravity Falls..." Armin rolled his eyes. "EXACTLY HAHA!" Eren cackled while punching my back. I drunkly laughed with him.

"Do you guys need a drink? Cause if you do there's a bar like...a few blocks from here. We can probably just walk there if you want."








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