Chapter 17

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*Sasha's POV*

It was another lazy day once again. I was on the couch watching some of regular show. It was quiet for the moment, until...

"SASHAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Isabel squealed and she jumped on my back, "Agh, Isabel... what's your deal?" I screeched.

"I got news." She smiled widely.

"Is it something I should care about...?" I scoffed sarcastically.


I widened my eyes in surprise, "WAIT WHAT!? COLLEGE!? ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS!?" I shook Izzy's shoulders violently to my excitement.


"YOURE SERIOUS!?" My jaw dropped. She nodded, me and Isabel squealed loudly. "WHAT'S GOING ON!? IS IT A ROBBER!?" Jean shrieked.

I shook my head, "Even better. We goin to college boyyyyyyyy!" I leaped back to the couch. "You're kidding, right? College? You must be kidding."

I shook my head again, and Jean began freaking the hell out, "OH MY GOD ARMIN!! WE'RE GOING TO COLLEGE!!"

"WHAT!? YOURE SERIOUS!!"Armin screamed, waking Connie from his nap on the staircase. "What is with all the noise..." He angrily groaned, walking downstairs. When the boy finally reached downstairs, I grasped his shoulder tightly in excitement, "Connie, I got news..."

"Is one of you pregnant? Because I can cover for you, you're going to have to settle this on your own." He rolled his eyes.

"No, we're going to college." I smiled. "No way, is this really going to happen?" His eyes widened, and I nodded. He jumped and squeezed me to a hug, "Holy mother of god, I can't believe it..."

"Yes! I know!" I returned the hug. "We should get ready. There are college uniforms, there are casual Friday's though."

Everyone remained silent for a moment, then rushed to their rooms to prepare their backpacks and uniforms for tomorrow.

*time skip*

Ring Ring!

My alarm clock dozed as I fluttered my eyes open. Then widening it when I realized it was the first day of college. "CONNIE!! WAKE UP!!" I shouted at Connie's ear.

"What time is it...?" He groaned again. "It's the first day of college, wake up." I whispered at his ear. His eyes went wide open as he removed the blanket, and surprisingly he already had his uniform on. Same with me, though.

Connie ran to the bathroom and brushed his teeth. I ran downstairs and munched on a bread covered in Nutella. The eight of us (Me, Connie, Jean, Isabel, Armin, Annie, Mikasa, Eren), got in the van Jean bought and went straight to the college.

When we arrived, we parted ways. Jean, Armin and Mikasa went to the first classroom, where it was the literature class. me, Connie and Eren went to the third classroom, which was experimental class. and Annie and Isabel was at a top classroom, the tourism class.

Since there was an optional schedule, and any seating arrangement, me and Connie took the ones at the back, so the professor wouldn't see us sending notes and all.

While we were sitting down, there was a boy with pitch black hair and red demon eyes staring back at me. I raised an eyebrow at the mysterious man.

He winked at me, Connie gave the man a cold glare, which probably meant, 'She's mine.' The mysterious stranger rolled his eyes and looked away.

The next weird thing happening during this class was a small brunette boy with a huge curl and closed anime eyes, also staring at me.

I turned away with a creepy mood. And the last creepy thing I saw was a tall other brunette right next to a shorter raven-haired man, also smiling at me.

I just turned away as well, "is it just me, or is this class really weird?" I whispered at my boyfriend's ear. "A lot of guys are into you, it's getting annoying." Connie grunted.

"You're jealous...?" I chuckled. He shrugged, "so what if I am? There are so many possibilities..." The chuckle turned into a laugh, "who jealous now?"

"Shut up." The frustrated boy shrugged. I giggled and ended the conversation when the teacher finally arrived at the classroom.

The lesson wasn't very long. But the three boys who creeped me out a while ago still kept staring at me now, I was really weirded out,and Connie was really pissed.

When class finally ended, Connie took me by the wrist and dragged me to the cafeteria. He bought me a cheese burger and bought himself a baloney sandwich, and went to our lunch table.

" was experimental class?" Isabel asked in curiosity. "I don't wanna talk about it..." Connie scoffed. "What happened to him...?" Annie asked...less carefully.

"He was jealous. Because like three boys were staring at Sasha during class." Eren replied. Everyone was shocked. And everyone kept talking about it.

Connie rubbed his forehead in frustration. I patted his back and shouted at everyone in the table, "Oh will you guys shut p? Can't you see Connie's going through one hell of a situation here?"

Everyone remained quiet. He sighed deeply and thanked me. I cross my fingers to hope this will work out

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