Chapter 4

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*Sasha's POV*

A week has passed. It's time to move to Las Vegas! I was really really excited. I had my bags packed and I was ready to go! I bet we're gonna have a lot of fun there.

Me and Connie rode a taxi going the airport. We met the others there. After we got our tickets (which was luckily first class), we headed to the plane.

It was an overnight flight. Jean was going online in Facebook, Armin was reading Harry Potter, Annie was asleep, and the three were watching Avengers, Age of Ultron.

Me and Connie were just having this overnight conversation about what we were gonna do once we get there.

"Maybe we can head to one of these amazing fountains in this one place. Its really cool." Connie suggested.

I replied, "Sure! And there's this beach nearby. I bet Jean would wanna go nude..."

Connie chuckled, "Yeah. Jean would do everything to stay positive."

I nodded in agreement, "Yeah...since his loss, he's just trying to calm his nerves. Marco was just a really important part of his life, huh?"

"Yeah...hey, there's a Disneyland in America, wanna go there?"

I nodded, "yup. But we're also going to universal studios after, okay?"

"Okay." He replied.

I tugged his arm, "We are not going TFIOS mode!"

He laughed adorably, "Of course not. Silly! We're both cancer free. And even if we aren't, I'm not dying first!" He pouted.

We both stayed awkwardly silent, until I broke the silence,

"Yeah. It's would be cool if we both died at the same time, right?"

Connie chuckled, "That would be pretty cool...wanna change the subject?"

"Sure. Also, where are we gonna stay?"

Connie looked up and began dramatically stroking his chin, then he replied, "Oh yeah, before the titan thing, my parents wanted to have a private mansion outside the walls, and turns out it's in LV itself!"

"HUH..." I plastered a smile, elbowing my friend's arm, "Your parents were really rich, weren't they?"

His smile faded as his eyes shrunk in pure desperation, "Yeah...those Titans had to kill them during the assassination. They were really busy but they're still family."

I bent closer, staring at his depressed look, "You need some time alone?"

He smiled and shook his head in disagreement, "Nah. Besides, I've been with you for the longest time. I'd consider you family already."

I smiled and patted his back, "Thanks, bro."

"Don't mention it. think we should plan on what sites we could go?"

"Duh...There're a lot of places to go! It's AMERICA!"

He let out an adorable chuckle, "Then let's continue planning then."

We both continued talking through the night. We had such great suggestions, and since we'll be living there from now on, I bet we could go to all of them.

The next thing I know, is when I opened my eyes, (yup, I was asleep! Yay!) I found out I was sleeping on Connie's shoulder with my hand holding his.

All six of them were cooing at me. Isabel showed a picture of us sleeping like that. I was blushing hard. I covered my face in embarrassment.

Connie's eyes fluttered open, he was startled when he saw everything. He let go of my hand and began blushing as well.

Then a speaker interrupted our shame, "attention, all passengers, we are expected to land in 10 minutes. Please fasten your seatbelt and remain in your seats until we have landed. Thank you for understanding."

We were all panicking in excitement. We got into our seats and waited for the plane to land so we could have some freedom.

It was exactly 10 minutes when the plane finally landed. We all rushed out of the plane and headed to the stairs.

Thanks to Connie's speed and strong arm, we both got out first. I stopped the crowd and held my fists at the air, screeching at the top of my voice,


The rest were screeching in joy. It was amazing to get out of the country with bad memories, which is all it is now, memories...

After our shocked screams, we ran downstairs. After a little checking in the airport, we hailed a taxi and went to the mansion.

The time we arrived, I was speechless. This huge. I can't even...I mean...five floor so, carpet floors, giant staircase, glass elevators, two pools, both in and outdoor,'s just too beautiful...

I hugged Connie tightly, saying in a squeaky voice, "OH GOD THIS PLACE IS BEAUTIFUL!!!"

"OH GOD THIS IS MY DREAM HOUSE!!" Hange screamed and ran upstairs, dragging Isabel and Petra with her.

Jean began freaking out, punching Connie's arm, ""

He smiled, he went upstairs to say he needed to go to the bathroom, then when he got back, he was forming a smirk, "Who here wants to go skinny dipping?"

Armin raised his hand happily, "WOHOOOO!" While Jean looked down in laughs, while raising his hand, "Okay let's get this thing going!"

The two guys ran to the indoor pool. I hugged Connie, who hugged me back, then left with the guys.

Me and Annie were the only ones left downstairs. Annie left to watch the guys while I went to explore the rooms.

Damn, this place is very amazing! The rooms are amazing, the bathrooms are amazing, there're game rooms, sports rooms, training rooms, this place is amazing as hell.

Then...I found this one room that says, "Heerz awer room, putaytoe GURL."

I giggled to realize he was lying about the bathroom excuse (Happens every-time when he has a surprise) as I opened the door.

I gasped happily as I saw the room. It had two amazing beds (I sigh in relief for that.), a giant jacuzzi inside the bathroom with this techno shower, a huge couch and a huger TV, and lots and lots of food!

Then there was a letter at the coffee table that was really tempting to read. So I got the letter and read it. Here's what it said,

"To my best friend,

I wrote this when you fell asleep on the plane. You were a loud snorer! I really had a hard time writing with your gross female drool."

I laughed to that one sentence and continued reading,

"Anyways, the reason why I wrote this random letter is cause I wanted to thank you for everything. Thank you for standing up for me and never leaving me when I'm in need.

I wanted to return the favor. So when we get here, you'll see me go upstairs with my thirteen backpacks using a bathroom excuse so I can make this surprise for you.

I just wanna do something to you, since you were doing everything for me ever since we were young.

I hope we stay best friends forever, Sasha... Thank you, for everything. Love ya, bro.

Yours truly, Connie Springer."

I covered mouth and laughed in joy. Blushing at the same time. I was never happier...

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