Chapter 8

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*Sasha's POV*

The girls and I went to laser tag to cheer me up. We were choosing the guns. I got one of the blue guns which looks familiar. I took it, and I saw a print that said.

"Reserved for Springles xD"

I sighed and walked past the gun, and took another blue gun. I don't really wanna live through the past, because now I'm basically in the present.

I took a vest and wore it. Then I went to meet the rest of the girls. We were in teams, it was the three roomies against me and Annie. Then I noticed it wasn't that equal.

Then all of a sudden, I heard a cheerful voice by the distance,


I turned my head swiftly. It's...Felicia? She rushed to the two of us with a blue gun and a vest. She smiled at me and explained to everyone.

"Yeah, I know. It's pretty awkward for me to be here since...well, only one of you know me. Connie just went to the bar again for no reason and I had nothing to do at the house. So I went your house, and I saw a note at the door saying, "gone off to laser tag." And so I went here as fast as I could."

Hange sighed heavily and turned to Isabel, saying, "That was you, wasn't it?"

Isabel raised her shoulders as a reply, "What? I have an important package that's about to be delivered in three hours. They should know I'm gone."

"Great, now Sasha's gonna feel 'awkward' aga-"

"HEY!!!" I shouted before Petra got to blurt everything out, "She's very nice. You guys just haven't met her yet, she's great once you get to know her."

The three sighed and slowly nodded in agreement. I grinned and entered the laser tag arena. We all entered this time.

*time skip*

After our fun in laser tag, we went to a restaurant. I was sitting beside Petra and Hange, while Annie, Isabel, and Felicia were across us.

Felicia started a conversation, "So...just to make dinner fun. How about lets play a game. Everyone in this table had to tell their full name, their nickname, what they like, and what they hate."

"Sure." Petra cracked a smile. Hange grinned and played with her fork, saying,

"Isabel goes first. She lived her middle school years as a rebel. It would be great to get whatever's in her mind..."

"Okay!" Felicia agreed, "Isa-chan, you go first."

"Fine, damn you Hange." Isabel shrugged, "Hey, Bros. My name is Isabel Magnolia, be free to call me by my nickname, Izzy. I love weapons, rule breaking, games, violent/ action movies, amazing food, and animals. I hate jerks,bullies, over cooked food, racism, and Titans."

She bowed and sat down with her legs crossed, sighing, "Petra, it's your turn."

"I didn't know you hated racism, you used to be so racist in the old days." Hange exclaimed.

"Hey! again, I love rule breaking. And that's including my own rules." Isabel laughed.

Petra nodded and stood up from her chair, "Hello! I'm Petra Ral, or to my friends...Pet. I love coffee cakes or mocha cakes, sweet food, guns, summer, winter, cute guys, hot guys, coffee and rom-coms. I hate poverty, wars, fights, death, and itch."

" seem nice." Felicia smiled.

Petra smiled, "Thank you. Who's turn is it?"

Hange placed her hand at her chest and patted it, "it's my turn. But is it okay if I don't stand up? My legs are a little shaky. Alright, my name is Hange Zoë, or Hange-San. I love science, logic, books, experimenting, food, feelsy movies, and fun. I hate boredom, not science, bossy people, and drugs."

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