Chapter 33

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*Jean's POV*

The room was filled with plain silence. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to say, either. I decided to speak up, this was a bit uncomfortable for me.

" long is this going to take?" I asked.

Both Farlan and Isabel stared at me. Farlan cracked a smile and replied, "Sorry for the wait, do you guys want to have some dinner?"

"Oh yeah, sure. I'm a bit hungry from the walk, huh Isabel?" I turned to Isabel, who rolled her eyes,

"Yeah sure, I'm starving."

Marco untied me from the chair while Farlan did the same to Isabel. They lead the two of us to the dining table. The place was a basement, so it was just a simple table and a few chairs.

The food was Japanese rice and beef. We began to eat the food. I ate my food very slowly, but when I saw Isabel I saw she wasn't eating at all. She was moving her fork on her plate, and Farlan worriedly watched her.

"Isabel, aren't you gonna eat your food? You said you were starving." I said with food still on my mouth.

"Huh? Oh...right...I am..." She grumbled, slowly munching on her food. I'm really worried about Isabel, she isn't being her happy-go-lucky self anymore.

"Hey Isabel, are you okay? So seemed happier when you found out Levi was dating Pet." I chuckled.

"Ah, so Levi finally brought it up, heh?" Farlan snickered.

"Yeah, it's pretty cute now, ne Isabel?" I turned to Isabel, who rolled her eyes as she replied,

"It's really adorable, I know. But what I also know is that you're pretending, so please stop." she ordered.

"Since when do you order people to stop talking?" I muttered loud enough for her to hear.

"Is there a problem to that?" She scoffed. I didn't reply anymore, instead I continued to eat. After dinner, Isabel said we needed to leave, and even though we didn't.

I hugged Marco and told him we'll see each other again, while Isabel softly muttered 'Bye' before walking past Farlan.

I'm really worried about her. Even if we're not close friends, in fact we don't talk much. I'm worried of the fact that attitude's going to affect her life. I just hope it doesn't.

*Sasha's POV*

We were all really surprised of what happened about Farlan, Mina and Thomas. About that fact that they're alive. Me, Connie, Levi and Petra sat by the living room, waiting for Isabel and Jean to return.

And they did. But it was after eating dinner because I can't wait without food, it's like not being able to kill a Titan for Eren. Isabel had a blank face and a cold expression, and Jean was behind her.

" was it? Did you find them?" Petra worriedly asked.

"Not important. I need to be alone." Isabel shrugged and stomped upstairs.

"What happened to her?" Levi muttered in a less worried tone.

"We found the hideout. She confronted Farlan, got furious at him, and gave him a hard choice. And while we were eating dinner, she acted somewhat like you." Jean replied.

"It looks like I've taught her wrong..." Levi sighed.

"What choice did she tell him?" Connie curiously asked.

"He told Isabel that he left her to protect her from the Titans. She said she didn't need protection, that she can defend herself. She also said that is he going to continue to fight or stop fighting the fact that he left a whole hell of his life behind?"

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