Chapter 19

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*Connie's POV*

I was carrying Sasha bridal style, running as quick as I could. I don't know why I was but I sensed it would be better and a lot safer that way.

I mean we aren't running away forever like some homeless hoboes, just for a couple of days or so. Mikasa said she handled where we were going to stay.

I was confused when we arrived at the house. It seemed...Nordic. Mikasa knocked on the door screaming,"MATHIAS YOU DANISH IDIOT OPEN THE DOOR I TEXTED WE WOULD STAY HERE FOR A WHILE YOU SHOULD BE AT THE DOOR BY NOW!!"



A blonde guy with extremely weird hair opened the door, man he was scares me a lot to just think about it. "There, the door is open. Happy now?"

"Yeah yeah..." Mikasa sighed. She turned to us and stared weirdly, it looked like she forgot something, "oh right. Sorry I forgot to tell you guys. Doods, Mathias. Mathias, doods."

"Is this supposed to be your boyfriend?" Isabel pointed out. Mikasa didn't seem so surprised, in fact she didn't even blush to that. Weird...

"Aren't I supposed to be getting a perm?" Mikasa snorted. "Good point..." Isabel trailed off. "He's just my friend. Actually all the guys living in this house are all just my friends."

"We're staying at a house invested with Nordics? Tell me they don't drink or smoke weed..." Annie muttered frustratingly.

"If we were in the axis house...well all our dead bodies shall be swept by Germans..." Mathias cackled.

"Wait you know the axis!?" Me and Sasha shrieked in unison. Mathias nodded, "Yeah... They're crazy. But we're all crazy, just not as crazy. It's a long story really..."

"How many are they? And tell you got good food because I don't want to just leave the house just to get Chinese food or some sort." Sasha crossed her arms.

Mathias chuckled, "Yeah we got good food. And the only reason for that is because of the situation you just stated."

"Nice one Denmark. Now can we get in already?" Mikasa scoffed. "Sure..." The Danish guy spoke sarcastically.

His house was huge. I mean not as huge as ours but it's still big for a Nordic place. There was a Norwegian sort of guy sitting on the couch.

"You're late, Mikasa..." The boy muttered. "Shut up Norway, I'm with a bunch of slow stupid idiots here, I didn't have the time to be the Mario you expect me to be."

"Hey!" Me and Sasha complained, again at the same time. "Oh yeah. This is Lukas. Lukas, these are my friends. Don't say hi to him he's in the middle of a weird crisis."

The Norwegian, better called Lukas, rolled his eyes, "Whatever Mikasa, just get out of my sight I'm just about to watch a good tip on how to tie Danish idiot's ties without making them bleed."

Mikasa shrugged at the Norwegian as we left the living room and went straight to the kitchen. There was a tall blonde man with glasses back-carrying a shorter blonde boy holding a cat.

"Oh yeah, this is Berwald Oxenstier, he's Swedish. And the man being carried is Tino Väinämöinen, he's Finnish."

"Or should I say 'Finnished' am I right?" Isabel laughed. Nobody else was laughing on the other hand, and she was just embarrassed.

"Mikasa, please keep your red headed friend out of Tino's sight, maybe he might literally get 'Finnished' with all these unbearable puns."

"Way ahead of ya, Sweden. See you later Finland, don't let Iceland's penguin beat your ass okay?"

"Okay Mikasa." Tino chirped. We ran upstairs. I had a question to ask Mikasa, "Hey Mika, why do you call your friends Nordic countries? Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland. And what country is Iceland's penguin?"

"Iceland's penguin isn't a country, you bald idiot..." Annie scoffed.

"At least I'm not a serious silent ass like you." I argued.

"Shut up you guys, I don't want to start something awkward right now. Isn't a really good idea you know?"

"Said the 'redhead' who made a bad pun in front of a Finnish but who's with a taller Swedish guy who might even kick your ass for that."

"Shut it, Annie!"

"Shut your asses, if you guys fight louder, one of these guys are just gonna scream a reason for a fight in the middle of you three and it's just gonna turn into a big piece of hell."

"If you're talking about the tall Danish boy, then you got a big point there." Sasha giggled.

"Don't giggle, its stupid and you know it. Unless you don't and I just completely lost my mind there." Mikasa rolled her eyes.

"Hey guys. I just realized Halloween is in a few days. What theme should we have?" Isabel interrupted.

"I was thinking Gravity Falls because that's the only thing everyone of us is actually good with. Isabel doesn't want Naruto, Connie disagrees with Death note, Sasha doesn't want adventure time because apparently everyone got all her favorite characters and was left with lumpy space princess, Annie doesn't feel 'appropriate' with dressing up in Steven universe and we're gonna look crappy as hell so I don't agree with spongebob."

"I call first dibs on Melody the former meat seller (Soos's long distance girlfriend) at that one mall, and I dare Connie to cosplay as Soos. Annie will be Tambry, Isabel will be Mabel, and Mikasa will be...Wendy.

The rest...Hange will be Candy, Levi will be Dipper, Petra will be Pacifica just because Dipcifica for life, Eren will be Thompson, Armin will be Robbie because Robbie x Tambry for the win, and Jean will be Gruncle Stan." Sasha squealed.

"If we didn't all watch the same show right now, I would say this would be the most confusing thing I have heard all day. And I'm not even kidding this would be really confusing."

"I'll buy the cosplays..." Annie ran off, while Mikasa was screaming, "USE THE BACK DOOR ON THE WAY, YOU WILL NOT LIKE THE SURPRISE WHEN YOU LEAVE USING THE FRONT DOOR!!"

"What is the surprise?" Isabel raised an eyebrow. Mikasa chuckled, shaking her head, "You just need to watch a boy with a big ass (Spain) dance 'twerk it like Miley' before being able to open the door. And three...two..."


A/N: You will not understand any of this if you're not in at least the half of the second season of gravity falls and at least the fifth season of hetalia.

Also, if you didn't already know:

Mathias: Denmark
Lukas: Norway
Berwald: Sweden
Tino: Finland

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