Chapter 15

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*Connie's POV*

I collapsed on the bed in pure boredom. Sasha ate breakfast. She'll take a while since I know how much she eats. But then again, she's fast too so...honestly I have no clue on what's gonna happens next.

But after a few minutes, there was a knock on my door. "COME IN!!"

The door opened as a familiar voice spoke up, "Hey, Connie!"

I turned my head at the door, and plastered a smile as I saw the beautiful girl, "Hey again, love..."

"You're not British. Don't flatter yourself..." The young maiden chuckled as she dumped her body at the bottom of the bed.

"Hah...I still remember doing that three years ago, when I had that sleepover at your place."

"Oh yeah!" I exclaimed, "those were such great memories..."

We stayed in pure silence for a moment. That was until I spoke up,

"Hey do you remember the middle school prom?"

"Oh right!" Sasha pointed out in cheer, "That prom was WAY better than the high school prom!"

"Yeah...Yeah it was..." I muttered under my breath as I trailed of in a loss of words.

" okay?" Sasha questioned, leaning slightly closer to me.

"Yeah, bad memories suck..." I grunted.

"Anyways, let's stick to the good the middle school prom."

*time lapse*


I groaned lazily as I punched my fist at the annoying alarm clock. I yawned tiredly, it was another day of middle school in Shiganshina high, and believe me I was too tired.

My laziness kept up, but that was until my mother shrieked, "CONNIE!! YOUR FRIEND'S HERE AGAIN!!"

'Wait...why is Sasha here so early?' I asked myself with my eyes widened. I ran as fast as I could going downstairs. But I stopped at the middle of the staircase when Sasha yelled,


I was shocked, no school for no apparent reason? How come I've never heard of this. I just raised my shoulders in confusion and chased my friend upstairs as she ran past me.

We both headed straight to my room and on top of the bed. I was the first to talk, "So remind me why here isn't any school today?"

"Wait you forgot what day it is today?!" Sasha laughed.

All I could do was shake my head. She chuckled quietly. I was still confused on the other hand, "What's going on?"

"Have you forgotten that tomorrow is the middle school prom?"

I widened my eyes in surprise, "Oh god how could I have forgotten? What're we going to do now?"

"We have to plan our clothes, our food, and we should start befriending other students since it's getting bored."

"Point taken. So we should get new clothes...where?"

"Hmmm..." She trailed of and stayed silent for a moment, then an idea popped out of the girl's head, "Oh I have a bunch of old clothes under my basement. But we'll have to go to my house to do tha-"

"Don't care, let's go." I interrupted as I took her by the arm and sped to Sasha's house. I knocked hard on the wooden door.

Ymir answered the door, I forgot Sasha had to share a house with her, "What is it now, Connie? I don't remember owing you anything so better yet leave."

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