"You know the rule, Laur."

"This rule is stupid," I mumbled.

"You're the one who came up with it," Camila stated.

"That's two monies," Kayne said.

I pulled a few crumbled up bills out of my pocket and handed it to the two three-year-olds.

"So back to what mama and I wanted to tell you," Camila said, reverting our focus.

"So you know how mama and I go on stage and sing every night?" Camila asked as she tried to explain this concept to a toddler.

"Yes," Ashtyn nodded.

"Well after your birthday, Mama and I are going to be going on more stages and singing," she went on.

"We ride bus?" Ashtyn asked excitedly.

"No baby, you and Kay are going to stay with abuela, abuelo, and aunts Sofi."

"You and mama go bye bye?" She asked as her emerald eyes filled up with water. Her tiny bottom lip started to quiver as she locked eyes with Camila.

"Come here Ash," Camila said, pulling Ashtyn off the couch and into her arms.

It broke my heart as I watched tears fall down my three-year-old's face.

"Mama and I will be back," Camila said before kissing her on the side of the head.

"Mommy and I will call you every single night before you go to bed," I added as I ran my fingers through her wavy raven hair. "We won't be away for too long."

"It's okay Ash," Kayne said, sliding off the couch. "You still have me," she stated, hugging her twin sister from behind before kissing the top of her head.

To say I'm not getting teary-eyed would be a lie. My heart was like an erupting volcano, sending warmth all throughout my body. Nothing is more heart warming than when your kids do things to comfort one another.

There was a knock on the door before Erik's raspy voice spoke up. "I hope I'm not interrupting something, but I have just been informed that the show for tomorrow night has been canceled."

While he was talking, Kayne let go of Ashtyn before putting her face in the crook of my neck.

Kayne has always been the more shy one of the two, but she rarely ever hides her face in the crook of my neck when someone she's not familiar with walks in.

"Thanks for letting us know," Camila politely replied before the dirty blonde left the four of us alone.

"Is it bad that I see him everyday, but yet I don't remember his name?" Camila asked, giving me a serious look.

"His name isn't worth knowing, baby girl," I reassured her before kissing her temple.  "Just know he's a dick."

"Lauren Michelle," Camila scolded. "Not around the girls." 

"I'm just stating facts," I shrugged.

"Mommy what's a dick?" Ashtyn asked out of curiosity.

"Ashtyn, don't say that," Camila said sternly.

"Sorry mommy," she apologized. "But what is it?"

"I'll tell you when you're older," Camila answered as she glared at me.

"Fine," the emerald-eyed toddler huffed.


"They actually put you and Mila in the same room together?" Dinah asked after the elevator doors shut.

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