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Katie pov

"Im gonna order pizza!" Jordan said grabbing his phone off the table "yay!" I said as I sat down.

"Jesame! Shank." I said as I poked her stomach, she pouted. "Awe, I've been shanked, I need help." She said still pouting. "You have been helped." Ben said putting a hand over her face.

"I feel so helped." She said sarcastically, "you should." Ben said, taking his hand off her face and folding his arms.

Someone knocked on the door, "I got it!" Jordan said almost falling, I started laughing at him.

He opened the door. "Pizza!" He said sitting it on the table. We all sat around the table and started eating.

"I have the best idea ever!" I said loudly as I got the idea. "What?" Ben asked "we will dye jesames hair a really random colour cause that blond is to effin blond!" I said, Ben and Jordan agreed.

I looked at jesame, she hesitated but agreed. "Yay! Now what colour?" I asked looking at Ben, he shrugged, I looked at Jordan, he did the same, so did jesame.

"Hmmm, we could ask Shannon!" Jordan said pulling out his phone. I nodded, Jordan sent a picture of jesame to Shannon.

2 minutes later.

"Shannon said, different shades of purple, or~, ocean colours would look good on her." Jordan looking up from his phone. I looked over at jesame "which one?" I asked jesame.

"I like purple alot so I guess we can do the purple one." She said, "ok! I need to go to mine and jesames house to get the dyes!" I said, I grabbed my skateboard and ran out of the house.

I skated down the few blocks to the house. I unlocked the door and walked in, my aunt and uncle wasn't home yet. I walked into my room and grabbed my hair styling stuff that I had in a book back. It was tye-dyed black blue and green.

I put it on my back and walked back out of the house locking the door with the skateboard in my hand.

I skated back to Jordans house.

"Ok! Im back!" I said walking into his house "so, im gonna cut your hair a little bit too." I said smiling at jesame, she sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Ok." She said, we all went into the bathroom with a stool for Jessie to sit on.

She got on the stool. I opened my bag, and pulled out, shears, scissors, the two purple toobes of hair dye, hair razor, and that cape thing.

I put in on her, "how did you get all this stuff?" Jordan asked "this was my moms shit." I said, grabbing the scissors. I cut her bangs into a fringe, making them a little longer than I normally would my own. Her hair was down to just a few inches below her boobs, so it would take for ever to cut, but it's worth it.

I start to razor at her hair "have you done this on anyone other than yourself?" Jesame askes worried "nope, never have." I said, she sighed "god damnit Katie." She mumbled. I laughed a little.

35 minutes later.

I step back and look at her hair. "Yep! Thats good! Now tha dye!" I said smiling, I grabbed the two shades of purple.

I put on the gloves and started to apply the dye to her hair.

After the dye is washed out.

"This looks fucking awsome Katie!" Ben said playing with jesames hair a little bit. I smiled "yep! Now let jesame see it!" I said pulling jesame to the mirror. "Oh my god! Thank you Katie!" She said hugging me, I hugged her back "you're welcome!" I said.

I put everything back in my bag, then zipped it up. "So, what do we do now?" I asked "Mario Kart on the wii!" Jordan said, "of course you would be the one to yell that, ok." I said, we all grabbed a controler.

"Stop winning!" Jordan yelled at me "fuck no." I said as I passed the finish line in first place. "God damnit Katie!" He said pouting.

"Well im choosing the track now!" I said smiling, I looked at all the tracks, then I knew what would get everyone pissed. I clicked rainbow road.

"Katie! Why the hell would you coose rainbow road!?" Jordan, Ben, and Jesame yelled at me, I just laughed and shrugged.

I finished in first and not falling off the map "seriously, how!?" Jordan asked "im magical! But I really don't know." I said, he rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm around my waist.

I smiled at him, he chuckled and smiled back. He pecked my lips, "awwwww!" Ben and Jesame said in sync, I looked at them. They were looking at each other blushing.

I got up and signalled Jordan to follow me, he gave me a confused look but got up and followed me. "Why?" He asked, I smiled even bigger "Ben and Jesame like each other, and it's fucking obvious! So~..." I said, he nodded.

He kissed my cheek smiling, "they would make a cute couple." He said "wel duh!" I said, laughing. I sat on his bed, he sat next to me "I love you." He said "I love you too." I said then kissed his nose.

Jesame pov

Jordan and Katie left the room, I looked back at Ben awkwardly "hi." I sqeaked "hey." He said smiling a little, I smiled back giggling a little bit.

"So, you wanna play twenty questions?" He asked, I shrugged. "Ok, I'll take that as a yes, whats your favorite colour?" He asked "Bright green, yours?" I asked, he tought for a second. "(Idk his fav colour srry)." He said. I nodded.

He to his last question "ok, last one. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, I froze in shock. "I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked that." He said looking down "I, hmm, no, it's fine, I just didn't think you liked me." I mumbled quietly, looking down. "Of course I like you! I just, yeah, sorry." He said.

"Oh and yes." I said looking up a little "wait really!?" He asked, I nodded. He smiled and hugged me, I hugged back.

He let go and looked at me, he cupped my cheek in his hand and slowly leaned in. I did the same until our lips touched, he wrapped hi other arm around my waist as he licked my bottom lip; asking for and intrance, which I galdly allowed.

There was fireworks and butterflies everywhere in me.

"See! I knew it!" I herd Katie yelled from behind me. Me and Ben split and looked in the direction. Katie and Jordan were standing there with cameras. "Hi! It's exactly what it looks like!" Katie said smiling.

I held up my middle finger "HEY! I'm the only one who gets to fuck her!" Jordan said pulling Katie closer to him. I went wide eyed as did Bem and Katie.

"What?" Jordan asked confused "you just said fuck!" Katie yelled "oh! Opps" he said scratching the back of his neck.

Ben grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him "mine." He said, holding me close "even her booty." He said nuzzling his head into my neck.

I blush a bright red, "yeah, you can have her booty, I get Katie's." Jordan said grabbing Katies ass. She jumped up "Jordan!" She yelled "what? I just want your perfect bootay!" He said pouting. She rolled her eyes, "you're very wierd." She said and pecked his lips.

"I still get your booty." He said, Katie rolled her eyes and sat down, Jordan say beside her, then pulled her into his lap. Katie smiled at me, I rose an eyebrow at her "it's so fricken cute!" She said smiling bigger.

I rolled my eye "no, it's hawt! Get it right." Ben said, my cheeks went bright red. I looked down, hidding the blush.

"Whatever!" Jordan said playfully, they went back and fourth for a while.

"Will you two stop! It gets annoying." Katie yelled at them, I laughed under my breath.

Ben turned me around in his lap a little bit, he smiled at me, I smiled back. He kissed me, I turned around fully in his lap as I kissed back.

I herd Katie and Jordan whispering to each other. Ben lowered his hands to my ass, then pulled me closer.

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