Into The Woods

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Katies POV

I wake up to no Jordan in the bunk. I get out and to the main area, I get attack by Kyle and fall "ah! What the hell!?" I say. "Did you catch that on video?" Bryan asked. "Yep" Johnnie answers "guys dont put that on YouTube." Jordan came up to me and pecked my lips. He picks me up "Dah! Put me down."I laugh a little bit. He doen't doesn't put me down, and continues to carry me outside.

He finally puts me down, then grab my my hand and drags me to the end of the bus. I look at him confused, he leans in and kisses me, I kiss back. He wraps his arms around my waist, as I wrapped mine around his neck. He pulls me closer, and licks the bottom of my lips asking for an entrance. I gladly allow and split my lips. His tongue explores every part of my mouth.

Our tongues fight for dominance, we put awat breathing heavily. He smiles at me and says "I love you so much." "I love you too." I smile at him. "Hey guys where'd you go?!" We hear Damon yell. We fly to front of the bus to where he is "yeah?" I ask him "we're gonna go to the store again but you guys can stay here, we didn't get enough candy." Me and Jordan nod.

As soon as they leave me and Jordan start to mess around on the bus, I hit Jordan with a pillow, drop the pillow, and run outside. I start to fly around outside, until he comes out and flys after me. I fly to the BvB bus fly in the door "help!" I say. The all looked confused but helped me hide in the bathroom. "Where's Katie at?!" I hear Jordan ask. "I dont know." I hear Jake say "yeah we haven't seen her today, sorry." Jordan groans, and I hear him leave. "Hey he's gone." Jinxx whispers, I come out and laugh. "What was all that about?" Cc asked "I wacked 'm with a pillow then ran." They chuckle. "Well ima go, bye guys." "Bye." Hear them yell after me.

I fly until I find Jordan "hey!" I say as I fly up next to him, he just turns away and puts chin up, "oh I see." I walk off to leave him there. I find some woods and go sit in a tree and plug in headphones 'million dollar houses' by pierce the veil comes on. I pull out my pocket knife and start to carve song lyrics into the tree.

I un plug my headphones and let the music play out loud. I continue to carve into the tree, until I hear leaves and twigs, breaking. I pause the music, and look around. I see Jordan behind a tree looking at me "hi, what do ya want I thought you didn't wanna talk to me." I say as I put my phone my pocket. He looks down "I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to-well I uh." He stops, and doesn't look up. I fly down infront him, he looks up and he's on the verge of tears. I kiss him gently, as if I didn't he would shatter into a millions of pieces. He kisses back and I pull away, and smile at him.

He smiles back. I grab his hand and fly back up to branch I was sitting on, and put on 'bull in the bronx' by PTV. We sit there until Bryan calls "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS WE'VE BEEN LOOKING EVERYWHERE!!!" He shout through the phone, I don't answer his question, I just hang up and jump out of the tree with Jordan. "He's gonna be mad that you just hung up." I just shrug and fly back to the bus.

"Hey, we're here!" I say as I walk into the bus "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU HANG UP!? WHY DID YOU NOT ANSWER MY FUCKING QUESTION?! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Bryan shouts, "in the woods calm your god damn tits we're here." I say quietly but not ashamed or scared just to show him how loud he was being. "REALLY? THE WOODS?! WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU GO IN THE WOODS?" He shouted, I rolled my eyes and waved him of, then flew out the bus.

Jordans POV

She flew out of the bus. "Why did you flip out!?" I almost yelled at Bryan "cause you guys where gone forever and we didn't know where you were!" "That doesnt mean you have to flip out." I say as I go to the back of the bus. I pull out my phone to text Katie, to see where she's at, but she already texted me where's she at 'hey Jordan, im at BvB's bus, and I'm staying the night here cause of Bryan' I text her back saying 'ok, I love you' 'love you to and good night' 'night' I lock my phone and plug it up. "Where's Katie at?" Damon asked me in a whisper "at the BvB bus cause Bryan fliped out and she didnt want ta fight or yell or whatever." "Ok just wondering." I nod, get into my bunk, and fall asleep.

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