Dandelion Necklace

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Ohmergerd! Theres a song with chapter! And srry for all of you people who have to go to school soon, I to too and I hate it. I hope all of you have friends in your classes and good teachers ^·^

Katie pov

The rest of dinner was awkward silence, me and Jordan finished and pit our plates in the sink. "I'm sorry about Jesame." I said finally looking up at Jordan, he put an arm around my shoulder and lightly smiled "it's ok." He said.

"You wanna come back over to my house? Cause what happened?" Jordan asked, I nodded and smiled "I'm going over to Jordans house!" I yelled as I grabbed my pocket book, which only had a phone charger, my phone, D.s, D.S charger, and a little bit of money.

"Ok! Use protection!" My uncle yelled "we wasn't planning on fucking but thanks for the advice." I yelled back at him laughing a little, as me and Jordan walked out the door.

"You have a weird family." Jordan said with a chuckle. I nodded and smiled "I know." I said as we got into his car.


"Badadadad, I dont know." Jordan randomly said, I rolled my eyes and laughed. Lucy jumped up on to my lap and layed down, I started petting her.

"Hey, Katie." Jordan said making me look up at him, he kissed me. I kissed back moving my hand up to his shoulder.

He pulled away and smiled "what cha wanna do?" He asked like he didn't just surprise kiss me. "I don't know." I said looking back down at Lucy, I started petting her again.

Jordan sat down beside me and put his arm around my waist "we could play mario cart." He said "hmm, yeah, sure." I said still looking down at Lucy "can you hand me my bag please?" I asked as looked up at him, he nodded and went to grab my bag.

He handed it to me and smiled "what you so happy about?" I asked playfully poking his cheek, he chuckled and grabbed his D.S "I'm happy cause your here," he pecked lips "and I love you." He said, my cheeks went a little pink. "I love you too." I said smiling.

"Your gonna lose." I said "nope cause im the best!" He said confidently, "We'll see." I said.


"How the hell did you beat me!?" He yelled, making Lucy jump and run, I started to laugh "I told you were you gonna lose." I said, he sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. "Awe, Jordan." I pouted still laughing a little, he didn't answer. I turn his face to mine, and kissed him, he kissed back moving his hands to my waist.

I pulled away, "are you happy now?" I teased him, he kissed me me again, pulling me closer to him, I kissed back putting my hands on his shoulders. He pulled away and smiled at me "I was never not happy." He said, I rolled my eyes and smiled.

He pulled me on to his lap, "I love you." He said, "I love you too." I said, "so what do you wanna do now?" I asked, "you." He said, I started laughing "yeah, no." I said, he pouted. "We could go out side?" He said, asked.

I thought for a moment, "yeah, sure." I said getting off his lap, he stood up and grabbed my hand.

We walked for a little while until we came to some woods.

I pulled him into them, then started running.

I stop at a cearing in the woods, it had a huge tree in the middle with fresh moss, and a few trees that got knocked down, with moss on those.

I smiled and walked over to the tree, and started to climb it. I got up pretty high, then sat down on the strongest branch that I seen.

I looked down and seen Jordan raising an eyebrow at me "come on." I said, he rolled his eyes and smiled. He flew up and sat beside me "lazy ass." I said, he chuckled at shrugged.

I pulled out my phone and unlocked it "was that me on your lock screen?" He asked, like a basic white bitch that was flattered "don't make me push you off this tree." I said with a blank expression. He chuckled and side hugged me.

I went on my music app and clicked on my Say We Can Fly playlist.

Dandelion Necklace started playing, I put my phone back in my jacket pocket.

I started singing, tapping my fingers along to the beat of the song. Jordan nudged me, I looked up at him, he smiled and put his hand on my cheek and rubbed it with his thumb, making me stop singing. I started to blush.

He leaned down and kissed me gently. I kissed back.

It was short, but sweet. I smiled, "I love you." He said "I love you too." I said, he moved his arm to my waist and pulled me closer to him.

I set my head on his shoulder, "how long do you wanna stay out here?" I askes looking up at him, he lightly shrugged looking down.

"You ok?" I asked, he sighed looking at me. "Yeah, just thinking." He said with his voice cracking slightly. I nooded and pulled my phine back out, I went on twitter and scrolled through my feed for a little bit, I mean like an hour.


I look at the time, 8:30pm. "Hey, its 8:30, let's head back." I said nudging Jordan a little, he nodded and flew down off the tree, I did the same.

He grabbed my hand, I looked at him and smiled, he smiled back.

We started walking back to his house, "Im gonna text my uncle and tell him that im staying the night at your house tonight." I said, "ok." He said.

I pulled out my phone and texted my uncle 'spending the night at Jordans tonite' I sent it, then put it back in my pocket.

We got to Jordan's house, "since you don't have pajamas, I'll let you use one on my shirts and a pair of shorts." He said, I nodded then yawned making Jordan yawn too.

I started petting Ellie, as Jordan got the shorts and pajamas. Ellie started to jump in circles around me, I giggled and tried to calm her down.

"Here ya go!" Jordan said tossing the clothes at me, I laughed and stood up. I walked into the bathroom and changed.

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