What The Hell

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Jordans POV

Its been 3 weeks since Katie went away and I haven't even left my bunk unless we were going to signings, and I would I get food... sometimes. I can tell everyone else is bumed out about it but still get out of there bunks. I just hopes she comes back soon.

Katies POV

3 weeks of fighting, and finally beat kronos. I have a scar across my right cheek, a few on my arms and legs and a few burn marks. Damn im tired as fuck but I promised Jordan I would go back. "Bye Hades." "Why don't you call Granpa?" "I dont know. If you want I could start again" "if you want." "Ok thank you, but I got to go now I promised Jordan I would go back." "Even after you almost fliped on that Andy kid?" "How did you? You know what im not even gonna ask, but bye. I love you Grandpa." "Bye Katie love you to." I fly out of hell and try and find the bus.


I finally find the bus, I walk in and no one's there so I just sit on the couch til they get here. I wait for about an hour then I see Jordan fluffy hair walk onto the bus, he looks depressed, he isnt even looking up. He doesn't even notice me. "I don't even get a welcome back hi?!" His head pops up and he runs towards me and picks me up, then hugs me. Everyone else walks on to the bus and attacks me with hugs to. "I've missed you guys so much." "We've missed you to, and Jordan wouldn't even get out of bed when you were gone." I look over at Jordan and he's in tears "don't cry Jordan is ok im back." He nods then looks scared. "What?" I ask. He just rubs my cheek "oh that, I'll be fine I promise." He nods, I pull him to the back of the bus and sit down. I look at him as to say 'spill ir now' but not in a mean way "I've just missed you, I was worried you wouldn't come back." He says "well im back its ok." I say really quietly. He leans in and kisses me, I felt the same thing I felt when he first kissed me, butterflies and fireworks. I kiss back, he licks my bottom lip, I split my lips enough for him to slide his tongue in. I pull back after a while. "I love you Jordan, and theres nothing that can change that ok." He nods and smiles "I love you to Katie." I smile and hug him again. My phone starts to ring, it was a video call from Hades "hey grandpa" "hey Katie,um I uh I was thinking, if it would be a good idea of moving into your fathers house since the portal is right in the basement?" "That would be a great idea!" "Ok I just wanted to make sure with you first." "Ok bye" "bye" we hang up and I look at Jordan and smiled, he smiled back. "hey since the bus is stoped you wanna do something?" I asked, he look confuse "like what?" I smirk and drag him up and to the main area, I stoped when I seen someone I would have never thought I would see again. My dad. I run up to him and hug him. "How are you alive? The car crash you died!?" He chuckled "did you forget my dad is Hades god of the underworld?"he whispers in my ear "Right. Oopies?" Jordan look confused on what was happening, as did everyone else. "Oh right dad this is Damon, Johnnie, Kyle, Bryan, Andy, and my boyfriend Jordan." I say pointing ro all of them at the right times. "Isn't Andy apart of one of those bands you like?" "Yes yes is his and I don't think he likes me very much either." "Thats a lie, just how you put eveything seems fake or sarcastic." Andy said. I roll my eyes at him " wait do they-" "yes they do know im vampire demon spawn from hell... ok I see what you mean Andy." "Uh yeah" "oh and what are you doing here anyway?" I ask my dad. "Just to tell you im still alive."he says, hugs me, then leaves. I smile ask I turn to Jordan. "Come on." I say dragging him out the door. "What are we doing?" He asked scared "this" I say as my wings come out and I grab his hand then fly up. "K-katie!" Jordan says still scared "it fine trust me." I smile at him. He calms down and smiles to. I peck his lips and sit him back on the ground. Hades pops up out of no where and says "Katie you've grown up so well, so im giving you your wishes early." I look at him in shock then say "I'll take one and you give the other one to Jordan." "Ok" I look at Jordan and he's confused again. "You can make one wish, Jordan, any wish you want." "Ok then?" I walk off to let Jordan ask for his wish.

Jordans POV

She walks off so I can ask for my wish. "So whats your wish?" Her grandfather asked me "um hmmm well my wish will be... hmm to have a better camera for my videos." "Thats it? No money or anything like that?" I shake my head "ok then" he snaps his fingers and an expensive camera shows up on the ground. "Thank you." I say to him, then teenager runs passed and everything goes black.

Katies POV

I start to walk back to Jordan and Hades then see Lucas runs pass Jordan and bite him. "So what are you gonna do now that you NEW boyfriends a vampire now!" Lucas yells at me "why would you do that he didnt do anything and you should have nothing against me cause you broke up with ME and it was 3 fucking years ago. I go Into full form and he shrinks down in fear. I pock him up and throw him against a tree then pick up Jordan as Hades wlks behind me. I start to tear up couch. He turned paler then normal. "In about 30 minutes" I whisper the guys huddle a roung and ask what happened "m-my ex came and b-bit Jordan and Jordans turning a-and t-there nothing w-we can do about it." I get up and go to the back of the bus and fall asleep.


I wake up to see Jordan should wake up soon or is awake. I go to the main area of the bus to see, Jordan is waking up and everyone is watching. Jordams sits up and looks around the room "what?" There all shock. Jordan has bright red eyes and fangs "Jordan im sorry I shouldn't have come back this wouldn't have happened. " "what tell me." He get up and comes over to me "M-my ex b-bit you and n-now your o-one of me." I say looking down. He put two finhers under my chin and lifts my head "as long as don't lose you im fine, and I don't care." He leans in and kisses me, I kiss back then pull away. "Im gonna have to help you get use to it though." I smile lightly at him, then walk to the others, they still look scared. "Don't be scared, damn nothings going to happen.

A Sweeto Love (Jordan Sweeto FF) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant