Only "hanging Out"?

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Damon's POV

I felt award sitting with everyone so I went to the back of the bus. I put my hands in my jacket pocket. I feel a piece of paper. I pull it out, it read, hey Damon when you find this call me. If you want you dont have to. ~Andy :) ###-###-####' I blush as I dial his number.

Andy's POV

My mind kept racing, It been over an hour I left the youtubers tour bus 'did he fine it or is he weirded out by it and he isnt callig. What if he doesn't like me. What if he ONLY needed someone to confort him. Oh god-' my thinking was cut off by my phone ringing. It was an unknown number. 'Could it be Damon or-' I was cut off again by the phone ringing 'right' I answer the phone. "H-Hello-o." I stuttered out. "Uhh h-hey a-Andy I-I got the note." I bush. "Uh im s-sorry if you found it weird I-Im sorry I-" he cut me of by saying "its ok Andy I didnt fine it weird" he got quieter and quieter by the word. "Um I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow if you arent busy?" I asked a little un sure. "Yeah! I mean uh sure if you want." "I chuckle a little. "Yeah I want to, but im gonna go cause im tired but see you tomorrow." "Bye." "Bye" before I hang up i whisper an 'I love you'. My mind takes over again. 'What if he herd and thinks im creepy or doesn't like ne back or-' Ashley walked in. "Hey Andy, you need to go to bed its midnight." "Oh uh ok." I went to bed and fell asleep thinking of Damon that night.

Damon's POV

After I hung up I started to smile, and went to my bunk and got on my phone and seen I had a dm, from ashley purdy? I open it up.and it reads 'hey Damon uh I dont know how to put this but um well im pretty sure Andy has a crush on you I like big time' i reply saying 'most likely not I mean look at me' 'what ever but I still think so' I didnt reply I just went to bed thinking about Andy's perfectly flawless face...

Next morning Katie's POV

I wake up to Jordan skaking me. I look up at him, he smile and pecks my lips. "We have to get up." "Do we really have to or do you just want us to." "I just want us to and it is like 5:35 in the afternoon." I slide out of the bunk and go to the main area to see Damon and Andy... kissing. Aww. I pull out my phone and take a good few pictures. Jordan was about to walk into the area but I stoped him and said "lets go to the back of the bus cause something's going on in there." He looks over my shoulder to see he laughs and nods. We go to the back of the bus and sit down. I start to text Ashley 'look what I found them doing' then I attached a picture. 'I just fangirl I broke a glass and I wont let the guys know what it was about.' 'K well im gonna go and spend time with Jordan bye and dont break anything esle' I lock my phone and scoot closer to Jordan. He smirks at me and leans in, I start to leans into until our lips touched. He wraped his arms a round my waist as I wrap mine aroumd him neck, deepening the kiss. He licks my bottom lip asking for an entrance which allow. We makeout for what seemed like an hour, then pulled away breathing heavily. "I love you." "I love you too Jordan." I say as I cuddle up to him before I peck his lips "you wanna watch a movie?" "If you want." I get up and look trew the movies until I come across 'Ted' "wanna watch this." Jordan shrugs. I put it to the tv and press play as I sit down, but before I can Jordan pulls me into his lap and nuzzles his head into my neck as I cuddle up to him again...

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