1. Moving and Friends?

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Katie Pov 

My mom and dad just got into a car crash and I have to stay with my cousin Jesame. But I have to pack every thing by myself. I just turned 16 about two months ago After an hour or two of packing band merch, black jeans, and vans or converses I got every thing packed and now im off to the airport to go to Australia. Yay.... I sit in the airport just listenin to my music low so I could hear my plane get called. Honestly I'm fucking done with everything right now, I haven't spoken to these people in years but there the closes family I have. They called my plane to board making me sigh. A long flight awaits.

I just arrived at Australia and my aunt and uncle is here to pick me up. It's dark and late. We get to the house and they tell me with in a week I'll have to go to school, that's barely enough time to get to fucking settled in. Ugh how did they even fucking enroll me that fucking fast. And obviously I get teased for anything I do so I'm not too excited to go back to a hell hole. The whole week was me just unpacking everything and sleeping. I decorated my room a tiny bit, just a few posters. Not many.

I wake up knowing today is the day I get to go back to school, so i get up slowly and start getting ready for school, I get a black and white black veil brides shirt jeans that I wrote all over with a shaprie and black converses. I put my phone in my back pocket and headphone around my neck till I walk out the door with out any attention I pulled out my phone. As soon as I started walking to school. I put my music on shugfle and Na Na Na by My Chemical Romance started playing. I smiled softly.

I got to school and pulled out one headphone and told the person at the front office that I was new. He printed out my schedule fir me then called some one up. I think he said something with a J. A few moments later a really adorable guy with fluffy hair and a metro station shirt came up to me.

"Hello I'm Jordan Sweeto and I'll be your tour guide!" I giggled a little and so did he "Katie David." I said softly "Nice to meet you Katie, can I see you schedule please." I hand him the peice of paper. "You're in all the classes me and my friends are in besides your art class and your club." He smiled widely, showing his teeth. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I asked. "Probably bad cause you'll be in our group I can already tell by your shirt." I look down at my shirt and blush. "We better get to class." I scoffed at that sentence as he laughed. I walk into the class and everyone is starring at me.

Well, just stare at me then. I walk over to the teacher slowly."Hi I'm Katie, the new student." I said quietly. She looked up at me. "Ok you will sit with Jordan here and his group of friends." She smiled as I followed Jordan to the back table. I sat next to Jordan and wave awkwardly to the group of friends. Then one of them got close, put an arm around me. "Hey girl what you doing later tonight." Jordan put an arm around me real quick. "Back off. NOW!" He said. "Well I'll interduse you to the people in the group. Uhh this is Ben, Kodie, Jacob, and Jeremy. Guys this is Katie." (I made up Kodie Jacob and Jeremy)so his name is Jacob. Well I can now say Jacob's a dick. "So Sweeto you finally got girlfriend?" Ben teased. "Uh we're not she's not um no." Jordan stuttered shyly. The rest of the time was silent and awkward.

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