Was I high before I went to sleep

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Katie pov

A blue pegasus walked up to me and said "s'up, wanna go on an adventure?" "Uhhhh?" I said really confused on ehats happening "is it because you don't know my name? The names rainbow dash." She said "sure? I guess." She started to fly around me really fastly.

She stop flying everything was so colourful, a tiny Dragon, an orange pony, a purple alicorn, a white unicorn, a pink pony, and a yellow pegasus walked up to us "hey girls, this is Katie, Katie this is Apple jack, twilight, Rarity, Pinkie pie, and fluttershy, and the little Dragon is spike." She said interdusing me to them and them to me. Ignoring the fact she knows my name.

I waved, all them looked at me weirdly. Im guessing they have never seen a Demon. "Not to be rude or anything darling, but I've never seen anything like you." Rarity said "cause im a Demon." I said.


I woke up, I looked at my surroundings. I was cuddled up to Jordan, and in the tour bus bunk. I sighed of relief, was I high before I went to sleep? I thought.

Don't ask why I made this chapter.

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