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Jordans POV

I couldn't fall asleep so after Katie was asleep, I slide out and walk to the main area to see Damon on Andy's lap talking, Bryan on his phone, kyle and Johnnie cuddling while they sleep. I sit on the couch that andy and damon's on and went on my phone.


My phone died. Great. I go and plug in up, but to see Katie fliping around in pain but still asleep. I look at her to see 2 bleeding cuts on her hand, 3 on her foot, and 1 on her other leg. But they look like they were done with finger nails. I start to shake her and scream " Katie. KATIE! Wake up." She shot up and looks at me. "How did you get those cuts on your leg, foot, and hand?!" I ask her a little scared. She jumps out of the bunk and runs to the bathroom and slams the door shut, and locks it. I stand there in shock, as everyone runs up to me. "What happened why was there a slaping sound?!" Kyle asked worried while everyone esle was nodding agreeing with him. I walk to the main area again and sit down confused on what just happened. I finally fine words and tell them what happened. "My phone died so I went to plug it up, then seen her flipping in pain while she was asleep and seen the cuts on her arms and legs." I start to tear up. "Wait cuts? What do you means cuts?!" Damon asked worried. "L-like figger nails. Finger nail cuts, 2 on her hand, 3 on her foot and 1 on her other leg. But she didnt do it cause she was asleep and they were bleeding." I look up to see everyone had scared faces.

Katie's POV

I ran into the bathroom and locked the door. I cleaned up the cuts and then video called Hades in the mirror. "What the hell do you think your doing?! I've gotten my freedom, and sure I know its my home, but I dont need to go back to hell cause you know what I can do." I whisper yell in to the mirror. "Katie. I know but I need your help wi-" I cut him off "By cutting me with your fingers in my sleep?!" "Sorry. But you need to come back to hell cause Kronos is trying to take over again!" "God damnit. Hades why can't you learn to do things your self." "Damnit. Please please help me I just please I cant do this on my own-" I cut him off by screaming "OK DAMN STOP FUCKING BEGGING I'LL DO IT!!" Then punch the mirror in frustration ending the call. I walk out the bathroom to see a everyone looked scared. Jordan ran up to me crying "are you ok? What happened? Please tell me please." "Im fine im fine. I just have to save something, important so I have to go soon." I say looking down. "Save something? What?" Damon asked. "I have to save hell ok. Im a demon spawn from hell." "Dude this isnt a time for fucking sarcasm." Andy almost yelled. "Andrew Dennis fucking Biersack. Do you not believe me" my bat wings start to come out and I lift off the ground and my eye start to glow. I continue to speak "huh? You dont believe me. Im not being sarcastic bitch." My finger nail sharpen. Im at my full state. Damnit. Then I hear I quite scared whisper "Katie" it belonged to Jordan. I calmed down and droped to the floor and landed on my feet "I-I im sorry I-Im j-just gonna get what I need I shouldn't have came into your guys lifes. Im sorry." I walk back to the bunk with my suit case in. I grab my cloke and black outfit with flats. I trun to see Jordan looking sad. "Why do you have to go. Please don't I-I love you and I dont want to lose you." "Im sorry Jordan, I have to go. Hades is in trouble." "Well will you atleast come back when your done please?" I looked at him, he meant it, he wanted me to come back. "Yeah but if could be a while or no time at all so I dont know how long." I walk passed him and into the bathroom to change. When I get out Jordan walks up to me and hugs me, I hug back and look at him. He leans In and kisses me, I kiss back and pull away "I have to go, bye" I hug back one more time before going into the living room. Damon, Bryan, Johnnie, and Kyle runs up and bear hugs me. I hug back and say." Guys im coming back, Jordan convinced me." They let go and smile at me. Andy buts in and says "we all know your just gonna cheat on Jordan and come back like nothing happened." I fly over him and go into full form. "You want me to video hades to prove to you." "You cant cause greek gods dont exist." He said smirking. "And did you belive in vampires before you met me." His smirk droped to disbelief. I video call hades to show him. "Katie you have to hurry, I cant hold him off forever!!" "Show me what's happening. NOW!" I let Andy see and everyone else see. The line goes dead when he drops his phone in lava. I mummer to my self "idiot" I look at Andy and he looks scared. "Well I have to go before he gets into bigger trouble." I peck Jordans lips and fly off the bus to my portal, at home.

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