Chapter 25

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A few months later

Heaven POV

 "Sources say that infamous hunter Red has been laid down to rest. Rouges found her body buried without a trace. But nevertheless whoever you are thank you for saving us" Nicki read out loud .

Don't worry that was an already dead body that the headmasters took from a morgue in town. So in the past few months I did a couple more quick kills with Dylan and Mase. Right now we are sitting in a house that Giovanni's parents bought for us, and by us I mean me, him, Chloe and Bella since we are now their adoptive parents.Giovanni put them in a school not from here. Nicki, Jordan, Rickey, Vincent, Aiden, Mase, and Dylan are sitting n the living room.

They were all pretty okay with me being a hunter and after awhile everything went back to normal. Giovanni marked me and I think I'm ready to mate with him soon. Also me and Giovanni decided to get married some time after school, well after he gets done I already graduated from high school so I'm taking online college courses. 

Then there was a knock at the door. "I got it" I say getting up from Giovanni's grasp. I open the door and see a frantic Luciano who pushes past me, into the living room.

"Giovanni man, I'm so sorry I heard what happened to Heaven" They all turn around to face Luciano I go up to Luciano and tap him on his shoulder  and he turns around "Not now Heaven not when Heaven just died.......HEAVEN"  he hugs me and I hug him back.

"Idiot" I mumble, but soon his grip is being pried off of me to an angry Giovanni. I place my hand on Giovanni's bicep and his once tense shoulders relax and slowly back up into me. "Clam down" I say as I kiss down his neck he shivers. I let go of him and a whimper escapes from his mouth.

"Let's go swimming everyone" Jordan announces

"Cool how about the beach" I suggest everyone choruses back an okay and gets up and begin leaving.

Oh and don't think this is the end of the story. Red might've ended but I've always wanted a different hunter name. Right now this is kind of a break,a break from hunting for awhile until I figure out my plan. And yes I'm telling you I'm still gonna be a hunter and be with Giovanni without him knowing I just don't know how, but I can't give up the life that I've grown to love. Well not yet anyway. Mase and Dylan also agreed to be my partners but are taking a break with me and I've already talked it over with the headmasters they said they're okay with it. So don't think of this as a goodbye think of it as a ........see you later.


Omigosh its over well not over just on hold. So yes I have decide to do a sequel I just don't know how its gonna go right now. Maybe like six years from then Heaven is a CEO of a huge company right and it requires her to some times go out of the state or country when really she's secretly doing missions under a different hunter name. And maybe some drama with Chloe and Bella who would be 16 and then they started doing some dangerous stuff. And also Heaven had two kids an older boy and girl. Heaven would be 22 and she does still do small missions so she won't get rusty.

Actually that's how it's gonna go well there is a quick description and thank you all for who have read this book. Also go check out my new book The Alpha's Four it is an interracial story about a beta's daughter her name is Diamond Rose White played by Jessica Ann Strother who is gorgeous I might add. Also I need help coming up with a title for the sequel of this story so have any ideas please comment them. Let's see I guess that is it for now. Goodbye.... I mean see you later. 

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