Chapter 4

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Giovanni POV

She forgave me and then she hugged me. I'm so happy she forgave me. Plus I'm the only one who should call her their baby momma. 'She will be ours one day' my wolf says. I grin at the thought of her giving birth to my pups. 'That is if she will accept us' my wolf says. Of course she will. Maybe I should go see her. 'Alpha emergency pack meeting now Red is here in town' Vincent mind links me

'On my way' . I loathe Red. She is just a ruthless merciless killer. I wonder why she does it. I honestly would love to rip her apart limb from limb I honestly don't care who she is. She deserves to die for killing so many innocent people. I hope one day I will have the honors of doing it myself. I hurry to the pack house my psychotic thoughts still going through my head. When I arrive I go to the stage were my mom dad my beta and TIC are.

"Hello everyone"

"Hello Alpha" everyone in the pack house says.

"What is this business about Red being here" My Beta Rickey stands

"When a couple of wolves myself included myself went into the woods for a run we saw four bodies with 'RED' carved into them"

"Well did Red leave any things behind"


"Like always son she left no weapons or anything behind not even a scent" my dad cuts in "Maybe its that new girl and her friends who just arrive" I slightly growl

"Maybe it is her I say we go and kill her now just in case its is her" a random person says I let out another low but slightly loud growl

"Yeah lets go right now and tear her limb from limb until she slowly dies" the same person says. I punch the table breaking it in half and let out a very loud growl.

"If anyone touches her so help me God you will have to deal with personally she is my mate and the future Luna of the pack no one hurt her in any kind of way" I bellow my wolf threatening to come out.

"Wait a minute your mate you never told me about a mate" my mom squeals "Ooh when will I meet her is she pretty is she a human is she pregnant yet"

"No mom she is not pregnant.... yet" I smirk" and yes she is very pretty and a human"

"Well son congrats but now we have to protect her and the pack"

"I know but how when Red is here one minute then disappears the next"

"Look everyone stay on high alert tomorrow" my father says in an authoritative voice

" Meeting adjourned" When everyone leaves my mother bombards me with more questions about the most beautiful person ever. MY mate.


Heaven POV

Next morning

This morning when I wake up I feel cheery. Like I'm excited for school. Or maybe the adrenaline from killing is still in my veins. Anyway I do my daily routine shower, undergarments. I've always kinda hated picking out things to wear because I can never decide on what to wear. After about thirty minutes I finally decide on something simple since we are going hunting again after or during school. I'm wearing a black crop top and plain black skinny jeans with my black combat boots. As you can see I love crop top but not in a slutty way. No makeup today and the regular knives in the shoes.

I head downstairs to Mason looking better than yesterday. Wearing a gray V-neck black denim skinny jeans that hang a little low on his waist and the same black glasses. Dylan looks the same pretty much with the except a black V-neck and blue denim skinny jeans.

The Rogue Hunters MateOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant