Chapter 7

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Heaven POV

"You have a really nice body" He says in a husky voice. I blush then look down trying to hold back a grin. He steps closer pushing me up against the wall. I know he's about to kiss me so I don't take my time because when we are about to kiss we always we get interrupted. So I lean up to kiss him. At first he's a bit shocked but he gets over it quickly then wraps his arm around my waist. Its my first kiss and its amazing its like his mouth is covered in tiny Tasers that send pleasurable electric tingles every time we touch.

We get more into the kiss as he swipes his tongue against my bottom lip but I don't know what to do so I just stay the same. Until his tongue forcefully goes into my mouth I moan at the sudden contact. He smirks against my lips. He starts trailing soft kisses up and down my neck and softly biting my earlobe. His hands travel down to my butt I take that as cue to jump. When I do jump my legs immediately wrap around his torso that I tried so hard not to look at when he took his shirt off. Then somehow we fall down on my bed.

He supports his self using his elbows so he won't crush me with his massive weight. He is still sucking my neck which I guess might leave a hickey. He lifts up his shirt that I have on and begins to kiss my up my belly. He was about to go farther but stopped when Mason came in. He takes in the seen before him and smirks.

"Umm sorry for interrupting but your parents are downstairs and they are angry" Mason says all in one breath. Giovanni grumbles an okay before looking back at me. He gets off of me and stands up.

"I'm sorry Heaven my parents are downstairs I'll be back" He begins to walk away but I stand up and begin to walk out with him. He looks surprised when I do this but he shrugs it off. He opens the door  for me and l look at him.  I shake my head and walk downstairs anyway smiling with Giovanni trailing close behind. When we reach downstairs and see Mason Dylan and I guess Giovanni's parents but they look really young.

"Oh Giovanni we were worried sick about you" Giovanni's mom goes up to hug him.

"Mom I'm fine" He wraps one arm around her waist. She pulls away.  Giovanni's mom looks exactly like Giovanni himself. Same tan but wrinkle free skin same golden eyes but hers are a little bit darker almost hazel and same black hair. She turns her head to me and with a smile she hugs me. I'm startled but I hug her back anyway.

"Oh you must be Heaven my son can't stop talking about you and he is right you do have a pretty face" she gushes. I look at Giovanni who is scratching the back of his head nervously with a slight tinge of pink on his cheeks. I smile and look at back at Giovanni's mom. I wave my hand at her and her husband who could pass for Giovanni's brother but he has brown eyes. His mom gives me a questioning look.

"Oh and mom Heaven is mute" Giovanni says. She has  a look of realization. Then Giovanni's fathers steps up.

"Hi I'm Ceaser and this is my wife Lauren" He extends his hand out for me to shake which I do. Then Lauren looks us up and down smiling. I look down to find myself only in Giovanni's shirt and him in nothing but boxers. I feel the heat crawl up to my cheeks I'm pretty sure my cheeks look like a strawberry.

"Did you two have sex oh my goodness are you pregnant ooh I wonder if its a girl will you name her Selena and if its a boy name him Jordan" She says while reaching to hug me well more specifically my belly.

"No mom me and heaven did not have sex an she's not pregnant....yet" Giovanni says the last part to more to himself than out loud but I hear him anyway although I just decide to shrug it off.

"Aww I was really you hoping you were"

"She's seventeen mom"

"Your point is she looks like she would never harm a single creature so she must be fit to be a parent".

I look for Mason and I'm just now noticing that him and Dylan are standing behind me and Giovanni. I nudge Mason he looks over at me and I sign ' I don't want kids' to him.

"Umm you guys Heaven says she umm d-doesn't want k-kids"

"WHAT" Giovanni and his parents scream

"You don't want children" Giovanni says with pure hurt in his voice. I look to see the saddest his golden eyes have ever looked. I shrug but I know the real answer why. Its because I'm a killer a ruthless merciless rogue killer. I mean even when I do go on missions I don't kill the children I actually send them to the head council where they have their memories erased and are placed in pack homes of various different packs. But the council always make sure they remember me and me only so if one day if they should ever meet me they would be grateful for taking me away because when their minds were erased it was placed with new memories of their parents beating them. I even became best friends with two of them after they were placed in a different home.

"Well one day I hope you change your mind about kids" his mom says hopefully. I honestly doubt it.

"Well Heaven would you like to have dinner with us at our home" Lauren says trying to change the subject. I nod my head as in yes.

"Great how about you get dressed and come on over"  His Ceasar his dad says. We say our goodbyes and they leave. I grab Giovanni's hand and lead him up to my room. I already took a shower before Giovanni kissed. When we enter my room I push Giovanni on to my bed and go over to my closet.

"Heaven do you really not want kids" I shake my head then turn around and mouth 'I don't know'

He falls back on my bed and sighs deeply looking hurt and sad. I turn back to my closet and begin to pick out my dress since I do wanna look casual but classy. So I decide on a black sleeveless lace crop top and crochet lace bodycon skirt set. I run to my bathroom to change. Then I decide on leaving my hair in its natural wavy state  then I grab my black sandal wedges with the tiny heels. No makeup as always.

 I come out of the bathroom see in a blue plaid button up shirt and red jeans with the black shoes he wore yesterday. We downstairs but when we are about to exit the door Mase and Dylan stop us.

"Can we come" They plead. Me and Giovanni share a look. I turn back to face them and I mouth a yes. They say a yes while they run upstairs. They return back seconds later. Dylan in navy blue jeans and  white shirt. While Mase is in white pants and a white shirt that has a French bulldog. Its a really cute shirt. We head out to my truck. Since Giovanni's car can only two people.

I head over to the drivers side but before I can open the door Giovanni says something

"Umm Heaven what are you doing I'm driving" I shake my head

"But Heaven I'm future Alph- I mean I'm gonna be a future eighteen year old I can't have a girl drive me around. I point to the motorcycles. "Umm I don't know how to ride one" I shrug my shoulders and get in. I put the key in the ignition and start the car waiting for Giovanni. To get in. When he finally gets in I hurriedly speed off and with the directions Giovanni gave me we are I at what I'm guessing is his pack house. Which looks like the white house but slightly smaller.

When we exit my truck and walk through the brown double doors. When we enter the doors I one person I would never expect to see. The other person who made my life better. The one of the few people who know my true Identity. He looks so much different now. I miss him so much I wonder if he remembers me. I can't believe its him. Ace.

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