Chapter Three

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We hurry out of the lunchroom to the quad outside. We stand near a tree and form a triangle.

"What was up with Giovanni and his eyes" Dylan says. They look to me for an answer. Since I can't blow my cover as a mute I decide to use sign language.

'He was fighting off his wolf' I sign to them. Dylan looks confused and  at first so does Mason but he soon realizes I'm using sign language.

"Oh dude she was using sign language she says Giovanni was fighting off his wolf... oh and it was apart of my training to learn sign language" Mason says

"Cool and who guesses that Giovanni was the Alpha" Dylan says looking excited

'Gee professor your right'I sign. Dylan looks utterly confused.

"She says Gee professor your right " I smirk when Mason says it in a sarcastic tone, Dylan just glares.

"Anyway why was he fighting off his wolf"

'He was mad at something'

"At what" I just shrug my shoulders.

"Um don't use sign language anymore you two might say something bad about me. I look at Mason we have the same idea and we just smirk.

"Well we are definitely gonna use sign language more often right Heaven" I hold two thumbs up. Dylan pouts and glares. I smirk and began to walk off. They trail behind me until Dylan yells

"Race ya" He then shoots off running and so does Mason and I. At first Dylan stays ahead but then I start to get in front of him and so does Mason. Me and mason are neck and neck running through the halls. I decide to use all strength and force I have to beat him. As you can see I'm very competitive. With Mason and Dylan trailing behind me I know I'm gonna win. I burst through  the lunchroom doors and I ran to Giovanni's table. I get their first and everyone's eyes look towards me. When I get to Giovanni's table I jump up and down because I won. Giovanni Rickey and some other people I don't know look at me. "Um Heaven is everything okay" Giovanni asks. I simply nod. Then Mason and Dylan comes in.

"Damn Heaven you can run fast" Dylan says breathing fast and hard his hand on his knees

"You're just slow runner" Mason say breathing less harder than Dylan but still pretty hard. When Dylan finally catches his breath he slings his arm around my shoulder. Which for some odd reason causes a low growl from Giovanni.

"Well whatever anyway we better get to class" Mason says walking away from Giovanni and his other friends. But I stop him. He gives me a 'WTF' look. I point to the other people sitting at Giovanni's table. 

"Oh" so we all sit back down at Giovanni's table. I look at Giovanni who is still glaring at Dylan. So I poke him. His eyes slowly look away from Dylan's arm and back at me. I gesture to the other people at first he looks confused then realizes what I mean.

"Oh this is Vincent and Nicki they're mat- I mean they're dating and this is Rickey and Jordan they are also dating lastly this is Aiden Jordan's brother"

"Hi its so nice to meet you" Jordan says. She is a pretty girl soft brown skin straight brown hair and brown eyes.

"Sup its a pleasure to meet you" Nicki says she has curled dark brown hair with ombre ends and hazel eyes. The boys all mumble a quick hello avoiding eye contact with me. I nudge Mason with my elbow.

"I'm Dylan this is Mason and this is Heaven she is a mute"

"So is Heaven your girlfriend Dylan" My eyes widen.

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