Chapter 12

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Giovanni POV

I pace around the living room still freaking out about Heaven being gone. "Gio dude calm down she's fine" Mase says so nonchalantly. How can he say that she is missing she's gone she's-poof vanished and all he does is just lay there stuffing his face with chips while playing spades with Dylan.

"No she's gone how do you know she's fine she could be dead or killed laying in the woods probably because of some rouges" Mase looks at me with his one eyebrow quirked. He mumbles something along the lines of 'if only you knew'.

"She's fine trust me" Dylan tries to reassure me. Key word tries.

"No she's not she is a tiny helpless girl so everyone split up and look for her" Mae rolls  his eyes "Vincent with Rickey Jordan with Nicki and Aiden and Vince I'll go with you guys Mase and Dylan you guys stay here unless she comes back got it"

"Got it" They say standing up. We all head outside and split up calling her name over and over. We search everyone nook and every cranny. We looked up in some of the trees and saw nothing still. Then I got a brilliant idea. I ran up a couple of hills and jumped over a couple of rocks with Vince and Aiden following behind me yelling for me too slow up. I ran faster as i got to the cliff and stopped when I looked around I was ready to cry but me being me I didn't.

I looked  at Heaven's black shirt she was wearing earlier ripped into shreds that held her scent and a tiny smell of blood. I told Mase she was killed by rogues even though I hate being right about it. I go over  to the shirt and drop down to my knees picking up the pieces. So if the shirts here where is the body. Oh no they through her over the cliff. I let a small tear escape my eye as Vince and Aiden rub my back. I look at the glowing crescent moon as I began to slightly sob. God I feel like such a pussy crying but I mean my other-no my better half is dead. I literally can't go on without her but I'm gonna have to try. I rise up taking the tiny a few of the shreds with in my hands as I slowly began to trail back to the cabin.

Heaven POV

I began to wonder around just looking down at the ground. I began to walk more but stop when I was about to fall off of a cliff. I look out into the horizon watching the sun began to set. The sky was gorges with tints of purple and pink and yellow. The wind blowing softly in my hair tickling my face and making me shiver slightly. For the first time since my parents died I actually feel relaxed and at ease. Like for just the one moment I can just take a moment and have no stress.

But all good things must come to an end. I heard a deep growl coming from the woods I turn around and see a purple wolf with the fangs of a vampire elongating out of it mouth. I have heard of these rogue hybrids. This one is half wolf and half vampire very rare. I takes long menacing steps towards me I move to the side getting away from the edge of the cliff and into my fighting stance. He stops when he's about six feet away from me I stop too. He stares at me for a good while. 

Then he charges at me I run back at him. I take out the knife that was in my waistband and just when I was about to strike he tackles me to the ground. He rips off my shirt and begins to claw at my face. Then he stops for a moment I open my eyes unaware that they were closed and realize he's staring at my assets. I smirk and take this opportunity to stab him in his stomach and in his head since he is a hybrid stabbing him in his chest will just weaken him for a moment.

He rolls of me and I brush the dirt off of my back and butt. Since we are by a cliff I simply push his body over the cliff into the jagged rocks below. Once that's done I run back to the cabin super fast not caring about the branches and what not whipping my skin. When I finally reach the cabin I was expecting to see Giovanni worried and apologizing and trying hard not to look at me assets but no all I saw was Mase and Dylan playing a board game only sparing a glance at me.

"Guys I was just attacked by a rogue hybrid" I say almost yelling "Get dressed we are going hunting"

"But I was just about to win this round seeing as I won every round before this one" Mase says witha huge grin on his face. " I don't give a flipping penguin about your stupid game get dressed or I will make you" That was all it took for them to hurry around trying to get some of their hunting gear ready. I began walking towards my room to put on some clothes but since my shorts were black I just put on some thigh high socks and all black nike trainers. I was about to put on a different shirt but then Dylan came in.

"I dare you to go hunting in your bra" He challenges

"No way I'm not doing that" Then I go back to putting on my shirt

"Why are you to chicken" I look back at him to see him smirking. If anyone called me a chicken for not doing something I will definitely do it. I don't know why but I just have this weird thing where it just makes me want to it and more and Dylan knows this very well.

"So what if I do the dare what do I get in return" He thinks for a moment

"I will do whatever you want me to for the next week"

"Okay deal" with that said we shake hands to seal the deal. I chuck the shirt I was about to put on and just grab my utility belt and my star blades one of my favorite weapons. When I exit my room and go into the living room Mase stares at me wide eyed. "Where the hell is your shirt" He asks

"Me and Dylan made a bet why"

"What if someone recognizes your tattoos"

"Fine I will just pull my shorts up and even if someone did see my tattoo they would probably die or would just forget about it" I pull my shorts up over my stomach and head out.

"You are gonna make it so hard to concentrate hunting" Mase says chuckling I laugh at that even though it was stupid I find stupid jokes funny. We run out into the woods doing a perimeter search. So far nothing but then we come up on a lake house that's heavily guarded with sleek black cars parked everywhere in the lawn. We all decide to get a bit closer but we make sure we do but carefully so they want hear the crunch of the leaves and snap of the twigs under our footsteps.

As we got nearer we could hear in on their conversation seeing as they weren't trying to be quiet.

"Jerry I heard Alphas of three packs is over a couple of miles west of here I heard there was gonna be a few small attacks leading up to the assassination of the Alpha's and then we are gonna blame it on Red" Guard one speaks

"Kevin how are you gonna blame it on red she leaves nothing behind" Guard two retorts

"Oh yes she does she carves Red into all the bodies she kills so we could do that easy peasey lemon squeezy"

How dare they and just for that I'm gonna kill. They are rogues anyway I'm guessing and the witches and vampires are doing the planning work. I throw my star blade at Jerry it hits him right in the throat I do the same to Kevin watching their bodies fall to their knees then face planting to the ground. Since we need a better plan then to go in and kill people we decide to head back.

"Wait you guys" Dylan say making us stop in our tracks and turn around. "What" Me and Mase say simultaneously.

" Um your utility belt and stuff then our clothes they will get a bit suspicious if they see us in this" He gestures to our clothes.

"What do you want us to about it" I ask

"Take it off and place it in a tree Mase take off your shirt and I'll do the same"

"Woah dude I don't swing for the other team" Mase says while I laugh and Dylan glares.


When we come back to the cabin we can hear the yells of and sobs of someone. The door is open and the crying gets louder as random things we have to dodge come flying out. Dylan enters first followed by Mase and then me. I look around as I take in the scene. Nicki and Jordan are sitting down watching TV and slightly sobbing while Rickey Vincent and Aiden are trying to stop Giovanni from throwing more things. Then Giovanni with tears spilling out of his gorgeous eyes with a chair in his hands which are up in the air.

"Heaven" he whispers he drops the chair and runs up to me. Inspecting my face to see if I'm real and blinking a lot. Then he hugs me so tight I feel like I'm about to choke.

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