Chapter One

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     The large black wolf lunged at me but using my quick reflexes I dodged it and quickly sliced off his neck with my freshly sharpened axe. Blood splattered all around my face, the wolf falls shifting back into its human form. I look down and a smile crawls on my face. I kneel down and carve 'Red' into his chest so they know it was me.

 I see the sun starting to reach its way to the sky. I stand up and wipe the blood off my face while admiring my work. The metallic smell of blood hits my nose. I scrunch my nose up and start to climb up the tree. Looking down once more at the rogues who were about to attack a pack. I start to jump tree to tree until I reach my temporary home. I enter through an underground door so people won't see me in my suit and mask.

    I head upstairs to shower. After my hot shower I lotion my now warm red skin. I then start to pick my outfit out for the day I decide on a black crop top blood red jeans and my combat boots. My phone then buzzes.
    'You have a new mission today. A pack of rogues vampires and witches are planning to attack the Blue Moon pack. Your job is to kill them and find out why. For your cover you will be going to on of the school in the town. Its a large town but humans and other supernatural creatures live there. The coordinates are set in your car already. Delete message after reading'.

  I sigh and start packing up my stuff. I put a small silver knife in my boot and another larger knife in the waistband of my pants. I grab my bags and head to my black Ford S150. I throw my bags in the and speed off. Oh wait I forgot to give you the 411. I'm Heaven Madison Greene. My parents who I loved ever so dearly met on their first mission and instantly fell in love. Then they had me. They started to train at the age of five.  We lived  a happy life taking trips to the beach every other weekend. Eating ice cream laughing swimming. It was all perfect until a league of rogues killed them.

        I was depressed and worked hard and trained so hard my knuckles bled and I had painful blisters on my feet. Since I worked so hard I graduated early. Then I became the youngest hunter/assassin. But not one that just kills everyone. I kill supernatural  creatures who are evil. But most people don't know that. They just think i'm a merciless killer but no. I wear a red mask that covers my eyes and a black suit to cover the rest of my face and body. Now you probably think people would notice my voice but, I pretend to have laryngitis or be a mute on my missions so my identity is still under wraps.
      Anyway I turn on my GPS. My next mission in Houston,Texas. My parents were killed there. I shove it to the back of my mind and focus on driving.
Half way through my trip and I get hungry. So I pullover at a fast food restaurant. I can sense wolves when I enter the restaurant. I walk to the counter and see my mentor Chase working as the cashier undercover. I order my food and notice Chase slid some papers under food. The papers were files that would give me a more in depth perceptive of the mission. After skimming through the papers I give Chase a quick nod and left to continue journey. But while reading those papers I noticed it said I will have two partners. I smirk this should be interesting.


    When I reach the town I can feel eyes on my car as I make my toward my temporary home. Like always its in the forest so I can be a little more discreet . I park in the driveway and first unlock the door to cool looking house. It has a black roof and it has cream colored brick walls. When I open the door I see something moving in the kitchen.   

     I take the large knife out of my pocket and discreetly make my way toward the kitchen. I see two people one bending over looking in the fridge and the other looking in the cabinets. I take my other knife out of my boots and throw the two knives at their head missing on purpose to give them a warning. Their heads quickly snap in my direction.

"Who the fuck are you" I bellow. They give each other a quick glance and they both take out a knife and lunges it at me. I dodge it and does a backflip to them I get my knives from the side of their heads and point it at the throat.

"Now who the fuck are you" A boy with short spiky brown hair green eyes and tan skin answers first

"Hi partner" He smirks. Then a boy with messy blonde hair blue eyes and tan skin laughs then says

"We're your partners on this mission"

"Why did you throw a knife at me" I say slowly taking the knife from their necks

"We had to make sure it was you" I sigh

"What's your name"

"I'm Mason" the blonde one says

"I'm Dylan" the brown haired one says

"Well I'm assuming that you already know who am" they nod "Well we have school in the morning so I suggest you two go too bed." I began to walk out and go to my room but I pause at the kitchen doorway.

"We will talk more about our cover tomorrow."

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