Asia hesitated before she responded, she looked hella nervous actually. "You can just tell it to me, I'll remember. My phone is broken right now." She chuckled nervously

I could tell Latoya was about to pry so I chimed in before she had the chance to. "1402 sw ave, boynton beach Florida." Asia looked at me and nodded. "We'll be there." She shot me a sly smile and walked away.

Something about her was so intriguing. She was so shut off, so mysterious almost. I really wanted them to come over so I could get to know Asia more, call it selfish but that's how I felt. Asia was drop dead beautiful don't get me wrong but it was something deeper than that that had me wondering.

"August! For the thirtieth time damnit!" Latoya yelled while waving her hands in my face. "Let's go we have to get the house ready for them to come over! It's already 5pm the hell you thinking about?" She snapped.

"I'm thinkin bout dat dumb ass movie full'a blobs. That was the dumbest shit I've ever seen Toya, seriously." I said shaking my head. She stuck the bird. "Your big ass head is the dumbest shit I've ever seen." She hit me upside my head and sped up in front of me before I could retaliate.

"That damn girl." I said smiling to myself.



I was nervous about going over to August and Latoya's house. Being that Vic has such a big mouth I know they probably are just looking at us like some charity case and feel bad for us. I honestly don't need anyone's help. I may not have the best living situations but I'm doing my damn best and I'm not looking for handouts.

"A I'm ready! Can we go now? I'm hungry." Vic asked for the thousandth time since we'd gotten home.

"Victoria come here let me talk to you before we go." I motioned my hand for her to come sit next to me. She came and plopped down next to me as if she was annoyed that we weren't leaving yet.

"Vic, listen to me. I know we not living the best right now but I don't need you going and telling everybody that. You know why?" I asked and she shrugged. "Because then people see you as needy and helpless and I don't want to be seeing like that Vic and I know you don't either alright?"

"A that doesn't make sense. Why can't we just let people help us if we need it. This is the first time in almost 3 months that we've had lights and warm water and this will be the first time we've had a home cooked dinner since mama. I don't see the big deal, you the one the told me asking for help doesn't make you weak it just builds you up. Remember that A? When I was failing in math class and you told me to just ask for help or it'll never get better because I can't do everything on my own. Why is it different now?" She asked genuinely wanting an answer.

I shook my head and lowered my hand into my hands. She was right, there was no difference and the only thing stopping me was my pride. It would be selfish of me to allow that to block the blessing that Latoya and August could be for Vic, so despite all I believed in I wasn't gonna shut them out. For the sake of Vic.

"You're right, let's head out. It's 7:20 and we have to find our way there."


"Damn man why yall always playing?" Aug groaned once he realized Vic and Latoya were taking pictures of him in his sleep.

"Aug how you gone suggest they come over and then fall asleep?" Latoya asked while uploading the pictures they took to Instagram.

"What's that word you be saying?" Vic asked me. "Niggaitis? You got niggaitis mr.august?" Vic asked and we all cracked up.

"Aight it's time ta get da hell out my house na." August said sitting up. "Vic you got school and Asia you got..." He looked at me waiting for me to fill in the answer.

"She gonna go look for another job. That's what she been doing lately." Vic answered for me. I swear this girl has managed to work every single nerve in body today, she just won't stop.

"What you mean Vic?" August asked Victoria obviously because he knows she has diarrhea at the mouth and will give him an honest answer. "Oh A lost her job last week and so she needs another one or else we'll have to go live back in that other place with all those other people who don't have jobs and houses either I guess."



I looked up at Toya who looked like she was five seconds away from getting adoption papers ready and then I looked over at Iyasia who was clearly fighting back tears. She rushed out of the house and I jumped up following behind her. She got into her car and pressed her head against the steering wheel. I walked over and slid into the passenger side pulling her into my chest, she cried hysterically into my shirt.

"Iyasia, I know you don't kno me like dat man but you gotta talk ta somebody. That lil girl is sufferin cause of whateva it is yal goin thru. You gotta say sum. Talk ta me, tell me sum." I pleaded.

"I just keep fucking up!" She yelled. "I can't do this no more. I need her, I need her back I can't do this by myself!" She yelled while still sobbing.

"Asia yeen really tellin me nun, tell me wassup. You talkin in circles."

She sat up and put her head back on the steering wheel before she started. "When we lost our mom the first month was the worst. She didn't leave us nothing behind because she didn't have nothing. Me and Vic were sleeping at intercostal park right down the street before we were introduced to the homeless shelter we ended up staying in. While I was there I a man named Vince who introduced me to what would be my new "job"." She stopped and looked up at me with eyes full of hurt before she continued. "August I didn't have a choice. I couldn't find another job that was gonna support me and Vic, so I did it." She began to cry again.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. "Asia what did you do?" I asked.

She started to choke up a little before taking a deep breath and continuing. "I became his prostitute, basically. He'd take me to events and sell me to the highest bidder." She began sobbing again but now becoming obviously more angry. "Those sick fucks took my virginity August! They did all types of sick shit and they enjoyed every minute of it and I swear I just wanted to curl up and die. Everything innocent about me left with those old men night after night. Going home to see a roof over Vics head is what kept me going back. The worst part is I wasn't even being paid enough to live a decent life style, just enough to pay the rent to our apartment and keep canned goods in the cabinet.... I need my momma August I..." She broke down again and I just held her until I didn't hear her cries anymore.

"Asia I'm here, I promise you won't walk another day alone man I promise you please just let me help you." I didn't get a response and I looked down to realize she had cried herself to sleep which wasn't surprising because from the bags under her eyes it didn't look like she got much sleep these days.

I got out the passenger side and jogged over to her side opening the door and swooping her up bridal style and carrying her back in the house.

"I told you he wanted to spend time with me... I think he's coming back.. I'll talk to you later bye." I overheard Toya say as she hung up the phone when I walked in the house. I made a mental note to ask her what the was about but right now I just wanted to make sure Asia was good. I carried her to the guest bedroom where I found Vic already sleep, I walked inside and layed Asia next to her. I kissed her on the forehead and whispered, "I meant what I said you won't eva have ta go through this alone again, I gotchu."

I got up and walked out the room closing the door behind me. I walked back into the living room to find Toya rushing off of the phone once again.

"Baby who you talking to?" I asked with confusing plastered on my face.

"Business." She said simply and shot me a slight smile....

Fuck is Toya up to?

Aug & Asia?


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- Yoyo ❤️

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