Chapter XXXIV

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"WHHOOOOOOOOOOO!" I scream, throwing hands up in the air. I quickly grasped Wesley's tan shoulders, feeling like I was about to fly off. Welsey was driving the jet-ski around with the wind blowing and water splashing our faces.

"Having fun?" he shouts.

"HELL YEAH!" I yell back.

This was so freaking much fun, I basically wasted my childhood in a box. Wesley bragged about jet-skiing since he was eleven, but we all know Wesley has done every and anything by now.

He chuckles.

After jet-skiing, we decided to feed some sting rays and swim. I was afraid to feed them with their slimy feel and vicious eyes, but Wesley persuaded for me to, till he cried, "Ah fuck! It bit me!" and he tried to convince the guy who was an expert on sting rays, but he said it meant it likes him and they don't bite. I laughed my head off at my baby's horror face and terrified look. We didn't feed anymore stingrays after that, and did the next activity which was dancing with the Tahitians. They had alot and ALOT of booty shaking, it could almost pass as twerkin', but the secret was the hip motion. All the girls, me, Aunt Tay, Aubrey, Mama, Vivian, and L'taija were taught how to shake our butts like them. It was difficult at first and when you had to go faster, it's even WORSE.

Spending about three hours on our Tahitian dance routine, we gave the guys a show.

We had to wear a black pareu skirt and a gold bra top with sparkly gold feathers on one cup, & rhinestoned-beads on the other. Our viri was basically a belt with feathers all around, and a "tehupoo" which was our fancy-looking hat.

They whooted and cheered when the conch horn was blown & the drums boomed and we shook our hips vivaciously. One of the guys even yelled, "Yeah baby, shake that ass!" But we had the best time that night, and the day should've lasted forever.

Lamont called in a toast dinner that night, and told us to wear something fancy and casual. I went back to my room, and searched in the closet and suitcase for ANYTHING, and yet, couldn't, again.

"Good God, why am I stuck at finding dresses all the time!?" I say to myself.

Then an idea popped into my head.

I'll go over to Aubrey's room and get a dress. She brings everything anywhere.

I ran barefoot on the dock, to Aubrey's shack, and knocked on the door. Shouting and yelling occured on the inside.

What hurricane erupted in there?

Then the door busted open. "What shu want!?" she snarled.

Oooookkkaaayyy, not a good time....

In the back, Dalton and Deionte were about to break out into a fist-punch fight and go at it.

Dalton's chest was all up on Deionte, "I told you from the beginning to stay. The fuck. Away from HER!"

"You deaf son?! I don't listen to lil' bitches like you. I don't give a shit what shu say!"

"Um...hello? I asked a question?!"

Aubrey waved her hands in my face, stopping me from seeing what was going on in her room. Not thay I really cared about her love triangle....

"Do you have any good dresses you could possibly lend me?"

"Nope. Just one for me, myself, and I. Ask Vivian, she's pretty pricey on clothes. She might have something for you." And she slams the door in my face.

Well that went well.

I really didn't feel like talking to my cousin after what she did. I knew she would pull something, but I wasn't surprised either. I just wanted to wait for that perfect moment to grill her, but after what she did to me and Wesley with the whole conflict, I stayed as far away from her as I possibly could. But now, I deeply desparately, needed a dress to look stunning tonight so I had to.

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