Chapter XXXI

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After my soothing shower, I threw on silver sandals, shorts, and a plain turquoise shirt, everyone and I mean EVERYONE as in me, Mama, Lamont, Aubrey, Aunt Tay, L'taija, Travis, Wesley, Vivian, Dalton, and guess who else showed up?


Believe me, it was more awkward than a pinecone, Aubrey gaped her mouth all open catching flies.

Because Deionte looked fine as hell.

He has grown out of that short-little boy state, into a handsome tall teenager. His look....everything has changed in one year. I noticed he still had the light brown eyes, and tryna rock a lil' goatee, I see him.

I gasp and cover my mouth. "Oh Lawd, Deionte, look at shuuu!" He envelopes me into a hug, chuckling.

"I do got that look, you know what I'm saying?" He cups his hand under his chin, nodding.

"Don't influence him. He know he ugly." L'taija joined us.

Deionte frowned. "Shut up."

"Hey..." Aubrey shly said to Deionte.

Deionte smiled at Aubrey, a small one and awkwardly held out his arms. It took Aubrey two minutes yo figure out "what" he was doing, and they finally hugged foreva.

L'taija and I gave each other a look, knowing she liked the hug.

"Hey baby, who's this?" Dalton came to join too.

Er...uncomfortable moment....

"This is... This is Deionte. My um... ex.."

Dalton beamed with agreement to that and guy-hand shook with the pat on the back.

Deionte tilted his head, confused at who this boy was.

"He's gonna find out. Watch." L'taija whispered to me.

"And you are...." Do I know you?" Deionte asked.

"Yeah, I'm Aubrey's boyfriend."

Deionte let that sink in. And he laughs.

We all stare, but he keeps laughing.

"What's funny?" Dalton growled.

"Nah, nothing son. Just that... Aubrey always told me when we've dated, she doesn't like white guys."

"You said that?"

"Nooooo, I don't remember any of that-"

Deionte interrupts Aubrey, "It kinda explains why she's eyeing me and not you." He smirked.

"Cut the crap Deionte! I never said ANY of that just, get outta my face." And she pushed him out of the way.

When Aubrey was out of eye sight, Dalton got all in Deionte's face. "You better not ruin this for us "Deionte." You're kinda pissing me off already."

Deionte smirked, "I'll try hard NOT to."

We all waited for Aunt Tay to bring around the white land rover and we all piled in.

Aubrey sat in the middle of Dalton and Deionte (not a good idea), L'taija ditched me and sat next to Aunt Tay, Travis, Mama, and Lamont went to a different car, and I sat by myself.

"1, 4, 2.... Where's Wesley?" L'taija had asked, looking directly at me. I gave her a dirty look.

"Oh look, he's coming now!" Aunt Tay answered.

I glue my eyes out the window and sure enough, Wesley was coming glancing down at his feet, and slowly dragging his feet down the stairs. He had a gray tight v-neck shirt, white short khakis, bright red Jordan high-top shoes and earphones in his ear.

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