Chapter XXXIII

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Everyone on this island probably heard me, but a thump came from the bedroom and Welsey was the only one running in the bathroom, struggling to put his pants on with his bed hair.

Sigh....his looks...... then I forgot I was half-naked, and embarrassedily covered myself.

"Sheilah, what happened!?"

I inhale several gasps. "I'm- I'm P-P-PREGNANT!" I shout.

Wesley's eyes brightened, "That's great baby!"

I looked at him like he was crazy and threw the test at him. He yelped and ducked.

"Arrgghh, no it's not Wesley! It's bad! It's really bad!"

His eyebrows frowned. "Am I missing something? I thought chicks were suppose to be excited about this-this.....stuff. Why is it bad?"

"Because," I tried to stand up but my stomach was being crabby. I held it as Wesley handed me his over-sized t-shirt. "My mom is gonna be mad at me for getting pregnant this early."

"So what are you gonna do then Sheilah? Abort the baby?" Wesley snapped.

Wesley wanted this? I thought. For me to have this baby? For him? For us?

Then I snap back into the concequences.

"Why are you chill about it?! What the hell would your mom think? Doesn't she hate me?"

"I don't CARE what my mom thinks! She can sit her ass down and accept because I won't be living under her roof anymore and she won't control what I want."

"What 'bout the money Wesley?!" We have to pay for baby food, clothes, diapers, and shit and be responsible!" I protest.

"Sheilah, I got all the money in the world and you're worrying about paying for that stuff. I got it covered, I ain't those black dudes on the street."

"You're callin' my brothas out like that Wesley? You were fucking raised in a pool of green papers, you don't know SHIT! They fucking struggle to afford anything, and you calling Travis out like that! They have the struggle fo' real more than you would ever have!" I yell.

Wesley calmed down. "Sheilah, I didn't mean to put them out like that-"

I nodded my head. "You didn't! You just think since you hang out with black n*ggas and have a black girlfriend, you're cool with saying anything!

"That's ghetto!" I mock a white girl's high voice, "Ain't no ghetto 'cause you know nothing about GHETTO. You're as white as can be, so don't be bringing up stuff like that 'cause that's low. On your level!"

The adrenaline pumped through my legs, allowing me to stand up and walk out the bathroom.

"Wait, baby..." he swoons trying to grab my arm but I walk past him and get my toothbrush to brush my teeth. Wesley stood near the door, watching till I was done. He grabbed my shoulders before I tried passing him. "Were just freaked out right now. Okay? Are you mad at me again?"

I drop my shoulders and sigh, "No, I'm not mad at you, I just- need time alone." Wesley's face was all pouty making me smile a little and I sweetly kiss his lips. He groaned for more, but that's all I was giving him.

"By the way, you look real sexy in my t-shirt. It's hot." He looks me up and down, and starts pulling me in as I laugh.

"Aw, too bad you ain't gettin' any." I smirk.

"I know, 'cause I got some last night. And you liked it. You were all like "Wesley! Wesley! Wesley! I dominated that night!"

I frown. "If I known you were gonna brag about it, you would've gotten none. And besides, if I didn't want it, you'd have to make love to yourself anyways."

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