Chapter XVII

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Well actually, I somehow landed with my eye on the concrete, dripping blood, and my hands planted down. My iPod was no where near in site.

"Fuck! Are you okay?" the person said.

I groaned in pain, as I suddenly realized I clashed into whoever. I slowly rose up, as I brushed some dirt off my hands, but the scrapes stung. My eye burned from being smacked down and I picked up my iPod. The screen was cracked.


"Yeah, I'm fine," I reply with my back turned.

My mama was never gonna buy me another one. How in the world am I gonna get this fixed?

I sighed and spun around.

Our eyes met and everything flowed inside me all over again. The sadness, depression, all of that, came back. Neither of us said anything.

You wouldn't have to guess who it was. But SHIRTLESS, was a good way to determine that.

Wesley admired his shoes and switch weight from one leg to the other. It gave me time to take in his scrumptious body.

Beads of sweat were drippin' down his abs and forehead, his hair was always all over the place in a sexy way, but I could still see all the bruises and cuts on his angelic face.

My heart sped up and I was tingling inside.

He gazed up in my eyes and his eyes widened. "Shit!" Did I do that?" He came up really close and examined my eyebrow.

My heart sped up faster on how close he was to me as our body heat closed in.

"I'm sorry Sheilah, really."

I don't know if he was talking about what he did a couple of days ago, or about the bloody cut on my head.

"I'll be fine," I said weakly.

"No you won't." he yelled. Then he softened up. "Let's go to my house to get that cleaned up."


Wesley's bathroom is as clean as china plates in here. He told me to sit on the counter between two sinks. There was a long ass mirror behind me as I examined my face. I noticed my hands were dully scraped, elbows ashed like from a hard-working slave, and my eyebrow hairs were plucked unevenly off.

I looked a mess.

Wesley came back with all these bottles and first aid kits, I could've thought he was ready to proceed surgery me.

He pulled on a dark-blue jacket now, but it was unzipped and he was still shirtless.

He sighed out loud. "Okay, I'll try to get this done, but I'm no expert."

While looking at my eyebrow, not me. He leaned into me, and my heart sped up again. He bit his lower lip while squinting his eyes workin' his magic. My eyes fluttered for a bit before gazing into his pool green-blue ones. He was in such deep concentration, that I wanted to pull him on top of me and...

I smacked my head. Wesley jumped back and threw his hands up.

Crap, why did I just hit myself? I'm supposed to mentally do it! Ughhh, I was going crazy.

"Sorry, continue," I whispered.

He got back to work.

The hydrogen peroxide burned a lot on my cuts, but it didn't hurt as much as Wesley and I not being together. I whimpered at times though when it did, and he would always apologize when it wasn't his fault. He began cleaning the blood off my hands.

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