Chapter XXXII

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♥♥This chap has some sexual intension a bit.... just giving you the heads up!

A pair of SEA-GREEN eyes stare back at me.


"Hey babbyyy...." Wesley swoons as he barges in pressing his wet lips on mine. I had the urge to kiss back but stopped after the taste of beer touched my lips. I push him off of me. But he tries again.

"Nooooo, Wesley, stop! You're sloppy and-and drunk. How many bottles have you had?" I order.

He throws his head back and drops it down with no control. Wesley, then lifts the beer bottle, what appears to be in his hand, and examines it.

"Hmmmm about like....five?" He smirks when my mouth gaps open.

"Why are you even hear Welsey? You should be sharing a room with Vivian." I sourly hated admitting.

He took a swig from the bottle. "Nahhh....I wanted to see your pretty face." Wesley ran a thumb down my chin to my neck. I froze and let the finger linger, remembering the times he touched me so delicately, I urned for more. His eyes synchronized with mine not looking away. They were a dark blue, almost black. Quite mysterious, but almost daring. Did he act like this with other girls in his past year when he was in drunk state? And where did he get beer from? Vivian?

Thinking about Vivian and Wesley together got me mad and heated all over again.

I pushed Wesley against the door.

"Damn. I didn't know you were the fiesty type Sheilah," he slurred,"It's kinda cute." And at that moment I saw something. Something that seemed so unreal or maybe I was seeing things, but his eyes lighten to a light blue when he said it, then go black again. It was so strange that maybe I needed a sip of some too. But then I shook my head and took the bottle out of his hand.

"Hey! I'm almost done!"

Wesley stumbled tryna get it out of my grasp.

I pull it back. "No, Wesley, you need to leave. Now! I don't want shu here."

He tried reaching for it again, "C'mon baby, don't be like that." Welsey's reflexes were aging, he was still slow at getting it.

We played this reaching-n-grabbing game as he tried hoverin' on top of me and tickling me but I was still undefeatable.

"Okay, fine. I'll leave. Just give me the bottle and I'll go."

"Nope. You'll have to be OUT the door and then I'll give it to you."

I push him out the door as he groans. He almost finally left, till he tricked me, turned around, grabbed the beer and took the last sip. Wesley handed the empty bottle back to me, biting his lower lip and I waved his hand away.

"Wesley, I don't-"

He snaps his fingers. "Fuck! I came here to tell you sss-something Sh-Sheilah," He fumbled with leaning straight against the wall.

"I'm sorry for you being a bitch."

WHAT!? I gave him a disgusted look and cross my arms.

"SHIT! No....I mean....." he sighs, "D-do you have a mirror?"

I tilted my head, "'s in the bathroom."

He quickly ran to the bathroom infront of the mirror and I followed. Then Wesley started TALKING to the mirror. "Sheilah...I'm sorry for calling you a bitch and- Crap. I need to start over. Sheilah, I'm sorry for calling you a bitch because.. you mean alot to me." He shook his head."Ah, that sounds fucked up too." And he went on and on rehearsing like I wasn't even there. Was he... rehearsing all this and put thought into it before he came here?

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