"Oh, so he will see you tomorrow, at the bus park?" She asked. Instead of us taking the bus to the house, it was being parked in the company's lot. We were going to take a van back to the house.

"Yes, he will. Please just leave this alone. I don't want to start a fight with you." I told her. She then sat down and drank her soda. I was so tempted to knock it out of her hand.

"That was great!" Liam said as they came into the room. I sat on the couch, as they got dressed in casual clothes.

They finished and we went ot the bus. I went to the back room and logged on Louis' computer. I saw that people were sending Max hate messages. It was just sad. I looked at the photos and I saw that he had been holding her hand as they left the clinic. They obviously knew each other. I couldn't get a good look at her, though.

I sat there for about two hours. I just listened to music and read what people were saying. There were few people that were defending him, but there wasn't enough of the story to actually say much about it. I kept reminding myself that he told me that it wasn't his. I had to believe him.

I finally shut the computer and went into the common area. I saw that they were all getting ready to go out. They invited me and I grabbed a sweater and my phone. We walked out of the bus and headed for the nearest club. We walked in and there were a lot of people. I realized that it was pretty late, so a lot of people would be drunk. I grabbed onto Zayn's arm and we walked to a booth. He let me slide in then he sat down. Niall and Harry sat on the other side.

"Can I get you anything?" a woman came over and asked us. Niall, Harry, and Zayn got beers and I got a grasshopper. She came back with our drinks and left us. I sat there and drank.

"Cara, what's wrong?" Zayn asked me. I looked at him and shook my head.

"Will you guys answer me truthfully?" I asked them. They agreed that they would. I sighed and looked at my drink.

"I am really not sure what to think about Max. He told me that I had to trust him, but everything that the tabliods are saying, are telling me differently. Should I trust him?" I asked them. Harry looked over at the crowd that was dancing. Niall took a sip of his beer and Zayn sighed.

"I don't like him, but I think that he has good intentions. I think that there is more to the story. I don't think that he had ever slept with that woman." Zayn told me. I looked at him. Good, one vote for Max.

"You should trust him. Like Zayn said, he just doesn't seem like the kind of guy that the press is making him be." Niall added. Two down, one to go.

"You should get rid of him. Don't trust him. If it wasn't his, then why would he have been there? It just doesn't make any sense. I think that he may have made that woman go to get rid of his child." Harry said. I looked at him. He was just being so brutally honest.

"Thanks, for all of your opinions." I said to them. I drank the rest of my drink and I just sat in the booth and watched Louis and Eleanor dance. Liam and Harry traded places and Harry was at the bar, flirting. I wathced him. She wasn't falling for it. I then got out of the booth and walked over to them.

"Hey." I said with a flirty tone. He looked at me and smiled.

"Hey, what's up?" He saked me. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him close to me.

"You." I whispered in his ear. I felt him shudder. I then walked to the restrooms. I wanted to be naughty, just this once. I knew that he was going to follow me. I turned around and I saw him looking at me.

"I knew that you were going to fall for me, one day." He said. He then pushed me against the wall and started to kiss me roughly. I tangled my fingers in his hair. He moaned. He then started to squeeze my arse. I moaned in his mouth. He kept doing it.

He then stopped and started to kiss my neck. He worked his way down to the collar of my shirt. He pulled the hem of it up and placed his hands on my breasts. I gasped and he chuckled.

"You like that, don't you?" He moaned. I nodded my head. I knew that he wanted more. Then I heard the club music start to play a version of Glad You Came. I then knew that what I was doing, was wrong. Harry continued to kiss and suck on my neck, while he messed with my breasts.

"Harry, please stop. This is completely wrong." I told him. He grwoled and stuck his hand in my underwear. He felt around.

"I think that your body is betraying what you are saying." He told me. I gasped and started to squirm away from him.

"Harry, I am serious. Please, stop." I pleaded with him. He then pulled my hair back. I looked right in his eyes.

"Why did you get me like this, then?" He asked me.

"I thought that what I was doing was okay, but it isn't. Let me go." I asked him. He then unbuttoned my shorts.

"I still want to play, though." He whipsered. I whimpered at the sound of his voice. I then heard a person come down the hall. He was about the same height, but he was muscular. He had dark skin and hair, but a really sweet face.

"Hey, get off of her. She doesn't look like she is enjoying it." I heard him say. Harry looked at him.

"This is personal business, go away." He told the man.

"Let go of her." The man told Harry.

"And what if I don't?" Harry challenged him. He took his hand out of my shorts and looked at him, but he still held my hair.

"Then this will be bad for you." He told Harry. Harry scroffed and rolled his eyes. The man then punched Harry in the face. Harry let go of me and I stepped away. Harry fell on his arse and looked at the man while he held his nose. There was blood coming out of his hand. He hit Harry, hard.

"Come on." He told me. He took me to a corner of the club. I fixed my outfit.

"Thanks, by the way. I assume that you want something in return." I told him. I knew how these things worked. He did a favor for me and I did one for him. He just alughed.

"No, I am good. I don't go for girls." He admitted.

"I am actually sorry. I seemed to mess up that dude's face, though." He said. I laughed and he did too.

"What's your name?" I asked him.

"I am Jared. What about you?" He asked me.

"I am Cara." I told him. He then gasped and looked at me with wide eyes.

"You are dating Max! What was Harry doing all over you?" He nearly squealed.

"I am and I am not really sure. Have you seen the news on him? Well, I originally wanted revenge, but then I couldn't go through with it." I confessed to him. He 'aw'ed and pulled me into a hug.

"That is so cute. I did see and girl I totally don't blame you. But why Harry?" He asked. I let go of him and took a step back.

"He has a thing for me, so I knew that it would have been really easy to get him." I told him. He just nodded his head.

"Give me your number so that we can talk, later." He told me. We exchanged numbers. We talked for a little while longer. He told me that he was with his fiancee. We talked about everything, other than The Wanted and One Direction. At the end he asked if he could meet them. I took the two of them to Zayn, Niall, Liam, Louis, and Eleanor. Harry hadn't gotten back, yet.

We all talked for a while, then Jared and Chris had to leave. Harry came back, as they left. His nose was all bruised and part of his eye, but it wasn't broken.

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