types of people on wattpad

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I'll leave out the good types bc including them would ruin all my fun lmao

1. the annoying ass people who pressure you go write/update

okay, glad you like the story, but im going as fast as i can. if i had the material to upload, it'd post it, but clearly, i don't. believe it or not, im a human, too. i have a life. i have things to do. my whole life can't revolve around this website, and i won't put my life on hold to write a damn story.

2. the people who get butthurt over literally anything

like i could have a character say "ew I hate fish" and i'd get some shallow fucking comment like "thats so mean!2!2!1!2 my grandfather was a fisherman!2!1"

like this doesn't even apply to you. wtf are you doing? if you're easily offended, stop reading my god damn book. do you enjoy being an ignorant little shit who looks for things to fuss about? maybe you'll even get some attention, huh?

there are few justifiable cases of this like if a comment is racist, sexist, or homophobic. however, never ask an author to change their work for your convenience and comfort. an author will write what they want, and what they want only. not everyone writes to please you..

especially if there's an offensive remark in dialogue. this doesn't always reflect the views of the author. it's for character development purposes.

3. the people who comment but don't vote


4. the assholes that take credit for work that isn't theirs

what makes you think thats okay? i would go on but i have no time so hope you liked it


rants, opinions, and bsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora