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I stay with my mom and dad for the week until I go to that psychiatrist. I remember everything that happened with Tyler that day. I hate him. Hate is a strong word. Therefore, I hate Tyler.

The day comes when I have to see the psychiatrist. We arrive, and Dad hands me the business card:

Dr. Yaser Malik


1302 White Street,

Chicago, Illinois

"Thanks guys." I kiss both my parents on the cheek before I go inside the office.

I hand the lady at the desk the business card, and she tells me what room the doctor is in. I sit in the waiting room for about 10 minutes, before my name is called.

I walk into the room, and see Dr. Malik sitting in a big leather chair.

"Hello." he begins "Ms. Flynn?"

"Yes. Call me Tia."

"Okay then, Tia. Please explain what happened a week ago."

"Um well. Where do I begin?" I think for a second "Okay, so, I went to my boyfriend, Tyler's, house to surprise him, and found him in bed with another girl. We had been dating for almost a year. We fought a little, and I decided to just walk out on him. So, I hopped into my car as he chases after me. While I was driving, I couldn't see through the tears in my eyes. For that reason, I wiped them away for a split second. Next thing I knew, I'm sitting in an ambulance. The nurse told me I ran a red light. That probably happened while I was wiping my eyes."

"I see." Dr Malik takes note of the information I just gave him "So you were upset. Do you think you ran the light out of anger?"

"No." I state "I didn't even see the light. I just remember removing my hand from my eyes, and seeing a huge truck ram into me."

"Alright. So, just tell me a little bit about yourself, Tia."

"Um, well, I'm attending Stanford University this coming fall."



"My son will be going there this year too. Maybe you'll get to meet him. But what are the odds? Eh?"

"Yeah." I think about what else to say "So, I like to write and draw in my free time. It really take my mind off everything. I can like, just let my ideas flow out onto paper."

"Ah. My son loves art. He has a strange interest in spray paint. My wife won't let him spray paint in the house, so the garage is like his little studio."

"That's cool."

"What do you like to draw?"

"A variety of things, really. Um..." I'm stuck "Well I like to just like, sketch. It depends on my mood. I must admit, I draw celebrities, and superheroes a lot. I don't know why."

"So," Dr Malik says "Do you play any sports?"

"Yes. I play field hockey, and I dance."

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