The crowd was silent as some proud parents took videos and photos with their camera or phone. The sound of music was swirling in the air and the students' feet tapped along to the intense beat. They didn't practice this song too much since it was at ninth grade level but Mr. Rutlee thought it would be a great idea sine there was a lot of kids coming out to see the show that night and he was indeed correct. There were many kids due to the fact that his classmates had younger siblings.

He was literally rolling his eyes while playing the song and almost sighed with relief when it finally ended. They were going to play Reflection from his favourite Disney movie Mulan and he honestly loved the song because the flutes sound fucking majestic. The saxophones still had to play background music, but they were easier to hear in this piece.

It was a rather slow song but he enjoyed playing it because it was simply just a breath taking and beautiful Disney song. Levi was going to be conducting this one and he found it absolutely distracting since he was currently holding a grudge against the prodigy for not returning his phone calls. He looked calm and collected as he stepped onto the small stage and raised the conducing stick. Eren was rather impressed because he didn't often meet people who were talented with music and was also able to conduct.

Levi Ackerman was like a god. He was smart, good looking and made any girl squeal whenever they looked at him as if he used some kind of dark magic and Eren could see on the corner of his eyes that this one girl playing a tenor saxophone couldn't sit still.

He had to admit that the song was pretty complicated because of all the dynamics but it was really exciting. The room was filled with the loud music but even so, he was able to hear one sound that was out of place and he felt a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach.

There was a few flutes playing one beat faster and Levi was obviously trying to fix the problem by glaring at them and making very big and steady hand movements and was able to return them to the regular beat in under ten seconds. Eren sighed internally and felt forever grateful that the crowd didn't notice at all.

They finished the song and the rest of the soundtracks and to Eren it seemed to only take a few minutes when it really was just around thirty minutes.

It upset him how they would spend months practicing and to only finally perform it for less than an hour but strangely enough, it felt satisfying to know that this is what their hard work had brought them all there in front of people who were willing to listen.

The crowd clapped and some of them even got up as they took even more photos and the only one who wasn't smiling was the famous Mr. Ackerman. They stood up calmly and bowed when Mr. Rutlee gestured them too and sat back down as he walked on the small stage to say a few words.

"We couldn't have been able to perform the way we do without the great Levi Ackerman to whom we own our thanks. We're all glad for you all coming out tonight to see my students and for that I thank you too. Most importantly, give another round of applause for my wonderful senior students!"

Everyone clapped once more, but even louder this time. Eren smiled as he spotted Mikasa and his mother in the crowd taking photos. They were soon escorted to the music room once more and friends and family slowing started to file out of the gym impatiently.

Levi looked outraged the minute he stepped foot into the classroom and immediately began to talk. His hands were in fists and his hair was a mess but even so, it still made the girls drool over him.

"Why the hell did the flute section screw up?" he demanded as he paced the room. "We've practiced the same stupid bar at least a hundred times and I have no idea why you guys were not able to play it correctly when in front of everyone."

"It was a simple mistake and it's not like anyone noticed anyways," Eren blurted out as he began to put away his alto saxophone in its case. "I think the flutes did a fantastic job."

"You have no idea how half assed that just sounded, Jaeger," he snapped s everyone single student's eyes widened with terror and surprise.

"I'm just saying. It was only one mistake."

"You're a music prodigy so you should act like one," the older male growled. "I don't care of they didn't notice because they aren't like us, they have no idea how music works but to us and me including, we just failed after months of practice. All I want is perfection so why is that so hard to ask for?"

Eren glared at him and slowly got up as Armin came running to him, trying to pull him back and frantically whispering to him. "Eren, Eren, Eren, please don't try to pick a fight."

"Oh I do act like a music prodigy. I just don't want to act like a spoiled and stubborn one like yourself," he told him.

"What the hell did you just tell me?"

"I don't have to repeat myself for I know you heard me. You've failed before so maybe that's the reason you want us to play flawlessly. You want to achieve the perfection you were never able to receive yourself, am I correct, sir?"

The whole room started to erupt with gasps and hushed whispers. They were lucky Mr. Rutlee wasn't there at the time because he would have probably scolded the both of them until the day they died.

Levi's eye twitched and his hands were held in tight, sturdy fists as he grit his teeth. "Don't you dare speak to me that way."

"I'm a prodigy, you're a prodigy so technically I have no superior which means I can talk to you however the hell I want. You seriously need to calm down and get off your damned high horse-"

Eren felt his neck jerk to the side as a sharp and swift force slapped him across the face and he stood there stunned, trying to figure out what had just happened. The room went silent as he covered the now red spot on his face. Everyone started to back up a little in fear.

"You're really fucking obnoxious," Levi hissed. "How can people even tolerate you? Also, if I don't answer my damn phone you don't have to spam my answering machines with stupid questions."

Eren didn't say anything as he felt his legs tremble a little. He was looking down on the floor as he heard Levi walk past him.

"Out of all people in that competition, why did I happen to get stuck with you?"

He heard a door slam and his first instinct was to chase after him. He refused to look weak after he just yelled and slapped him in front of the entire class. He pushed the door open and ran as he heard the voices of his classmates shouting after him. It was dark inside but thankfully he managed to spot Levi's white shirt s he ran up to him and jabbed him the nape of his neck with his thumb. He was panting from running so fast and his face was flushed.

"You're stuck with me because no one can beat me," he choked out as he tried to catch his breath and steady his heartbeat. "I won't lose to you, Mr. Ackerman."


this was such a pain to write since the first copy of chp 9 was deleted...

ah i ended up writing 700 more words to make it up for the lack of updates i guess

anyways if you enjoyed dont forget to vote and comment! your support means a lot to me c:

~Your Friend Takeshi

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