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He was completely exhausted and the memories of his nightmare was still fresh as snow in his mind. He didn't have that dream for a while and he hated how it triggered even more awful memories. It was too late to head to the school now since it was almost over, so he figured he would just lay in bed while he waited for Eren to arrive.

His heart was beating as fast as lightning and hard as a drum as he pulled at his black, silky hair as an attempt to get rid of the terrible dream. He was an adult now and he couldn't believe how he could still remember his childhood. He couldn't really forgive himself because music is what caused him all that terrifying pain and traumatic experiences, yet he continued to play because he wanted her to be proud.

It disgusted him, really, how he couldn't even admit that horrible women shared the same blood as him. He really did hate her, but then again she was also the person who introduced such a beauitful creation into his life and he could still remember that day. There were beads of sweat pooling on his forehead as he combed a hand through his hair.

The sunlight was bleeding through the thin window curtains and had a very faint glow but the male squinted anyways, letting his face soak up the afternoon sun. It was terribly hot and he was forever grateful that he had decided to sleep half naked. He didn't want to get up that day at all and for once, all he wanted to do at that moment was to avoid music.


A month later...

Eren couldn't really understand why his classmates always got so nervous when the time for a concert arrived, but then again he used to have that feeling as well. Concert band was so great because there was never a moment when the crowd would only look at one person, they would stare at them all as if they were one big entity.

Back in grade eight he would always tell himself that and without fail, he would calm down and relax and play just fine. However, it was much different when he was in competitions because he was the only one on stage and all eyes would be focused on him and him only and it was truly a horrifying experience, but he learned to get used to it.

Concert bands were always a treat because if he was going to suffer, he got to suffer with everyone else and it was one of his many guilty pleasures. It was a Friday night and it was almost evening and all of the band kids were waiting in the music room, dressed in formal band attire. It was nothing much or anything special, but it did make them a little more sharper looking.

Mr. Rutlee just ordered them all to wear black pants (or skirts for the girls) and a white button up or a shirt with long sleeves. It was simple looking but they looked like a team.

The gym was right beside the music room and everyone could clearly hear all the small chatter of the parents who were attending which made the atmosphere feel even more nerve-racking than it already was. Some of the students even looked like they were going to cry which included Armin.

He played the clarinet and there was this one song that only had the clarinet section play, and Eren couldn't blame him for feeling so scared. If he were to make a mistake like a squeak or wrong note, it would most likely be heard by everyone in the gym. They've been doing this since grade eight but for some reason, there was always this deep and dense feeling in the pit of every player's stomachs that would never go away once they walked on stage.

Eren was leaning against the wall with his alto saxophone around his neck as he waited for Mr. Rutlee to arrive and announce when they were going to perform. Levi was just across the room and looking at a few music sheets. Eren hasn't visited him for a while because Levi would rarely answered his phone anymore which angered Eren. They only had about two months left and they still didn't do a lot of practice.

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