Siva: Niall!! I need to talk to you!

Me: What's up?

Siva: Find Cara. She called Max and he is upset about her.

Me: You got it!

I then put my phone in my pocket. I looked around the room, to make sure that she wasn't in there. Once I knew that she wasn't in here, I went around the backstage. I searched the place, looking for her. I then came across the bathrooms.

"Oh no." I said out loud. This was the only place that I hadn't looked and I had a feeling that she was going to be in there. I opened the door and I saw her small body, curled up.

"Cara, no. What happened?" I said as I went ot her side. I rolled her on her back. I saw that she was really sick. Her eyes looked like they had sunken into her face. She moaned when I rolled her. She opened her eyes and looked at me.

"How did you find me?" She asked me. I smiled.

"I actually got a text from Siva. He told me to look for you. What happened?" I asked her.

"It is something called, stage fright. I freaked out." She told me. She was usually so strong, but this was just sad. I then picked her up, off of the floor. I set her on the counter. I took some towels and got them wet. I put them on her neck, to cool her down.

"Okay, I am going to take you to the bus. If you have to puke, aim for the cameras. I want to see a good photo of that." I told her. She chuckled. I then held her, bridal style, and carried her out. I walked by the dressing room, where Louis saw us.

"What happened?" He asked as he walked with us.

"She puked. She needs to get on the bus." I told him. He then pulled his shirt off of his body. He placed it over Cara's face. He then opened the door.

Luckily the barricades were still up. We walked as fast as we could to the bus. I heard Cara groan. People yelled at us and I knew that it wasn't helping her. We then walked in the bus. Louis slammed the door and I set her, in her bunk. I took Louis's shirt off of her and moved her hair out of her face.

"Where is my phone?" She asked me. I looked at her and face palmed myself.

"I am sorry. I left it in the bathroom. I will get someone to go and get it." I told her. She smiled and opened her eyes.

"Are you going to puke anymore?" I asked her. She shook her head, slowly. Louis then came over. He grabbed her hand and kissed it.

"Cara, I am sorry. I totally forgot that you had stage fright." He said to her.

"It is okay. I forgot too." She told him. I then texted Liam to get her phone. He told me that he would. I got up and started to look around the bus for some home remedies that I knew. Then the rest of our group came in. Liam handed Cara her phone and everyone sat in the living area.

"Do we have any Mountian Dew?" I asked them.

"No, we don't." Harry said. I stopped looking and looked at them.

"Well, you brits obviously do not know what the proper things to keep in the kitchen are." I commented. I then sat next to Liam.

"What do you need it for?" He asked me.

"I need it for Cara. It is a secret. We drink Mountian Dew and it will make the stomach calm down." I told him. He nodded his head.

We spent the rest of the night talking about the different girls that we saw. Harry saw that there were a bunch of moms screaming. Louis and Zayn always saw the perverted signs. Liam told us about one girl that started to cry when he looked at her. We made a couple of jokes, then we went to sleep.

My bunk was above Cara's. She had the bottom bunk. I looked at her and I saw that she was sleeping. I knew that she was going to need the Mountian Dew in the morning. I got comfy and decided that I would text Siva.

Me: Cara is okay. I am going to get her Mountain Dew in the morning.

Siva: Good. That and she needs some beef stew.

Me: you are right! I will make that for her.

Siva: Don't forget the potatoes and the carrots.

Me: Never! They are pretty important. Do I need peas?

Siva: No, I don't think so. Take care of her. She is really important to us.

Me: I know! She is important to us too!

Siva: Goodnight!

I smiled and looked at the time. I was going to have to get up early to make the stew. I then turned my phone off and fell asleep.

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