Chapter 44 "Warrior"

Start from the beginning

K: "the boys are out right now"

K: "they won't be back 'till god who knows when"I laughed.

K: "now let's just get right onto the important things I wanted to say"

I took a long breath before speaking again.

K: "well, I have been noticing a lot of you saying how I have been saving your life or others saying how their idols have been saving theirs"

K: "people all around the world are going through a lot of though times, either their being abused, bullied, depressed, some may even have cancer"

K: "I myself have been through many hard things and I still am"I paused for a moment.

K: "so, I wanted to tell you my story"

K: "when I was younger my life was great, I had loving parents, good friends, just an amazing life!"

K: "that was until I moved to Australia"

K: "my father got his job transferred to Sydney, so we packed up and moved there when I was 14"

K: "when we got there everything was normal, but when the first day of high school came I was lonely, I had no friends at first"

K: "when I walked into the building this person I'm not going to say their name, came up to me and pushed me against one of the lockers saying "hey looks like we have a new nerd in the school" and slapped me in the face"

K: "everyone looked at me, some with sympathy and some with disgusted looks"

K: "then one guy came up to me asking me and if I was okay and told me to ignore the person that pushed me, that guy was Jake Bell my best friend"

K: "I did my very best and ignored them, then a week past by, it never stopped it only got worse. I had daily beatings from them"tears started pouring out of my eyes as I the nightmares flashed through my head.

K: "then the whole school started calling me horrible names, like 'bitch' 'fat' 'whore' 'slut' 'ugly' and more. When the day was over I ran home luckily my parents were working that day and I ran to the bathroom"

K: "I found a razor and started..well you know, cutting"

K: "It was like that everyday and I started to believe them"

K: "one day Jake caught me self harming, and helped me clean my arms"

K: "I even ate less, I would only eat an apple for breakfast, a granola bar for lunch and a sandwich for dinner"

K: "Jake noticed how skinny I was getting and made sure I ate more"

K: "the next year I turned 15, everything was the same at school slightly worse, but at home everything went down hill. My dad would always go out and get drunk and beat up my mum and my mum would cry at night"

K: "one day I came home and-"I choked on my tears.

K: "my father held a gun to my mums head"I sobbed.

K: "then h-he killed h-he-r"I gasped.

K: "I didn't know wh-what to do but cry to her"

K: "h-her l-l-last words were to never forget who I am, to keep dreaming and that she loved me with all her h-heart"I was gasping for air through my sobs. I took out a tissue and wiped my tears.

K: "after my mums funeral, my dad started to abuse me, mostly when he was drunk. If he was sober he would just yell at me o-or ignore me"

K: "a year later I found a letter in my room from my mum telling how much she lived me and how I should move back to Manchester and bring Jake for a little while"

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