ghost; intro

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"I'm searching for something that I can't reach."

Lily Stilinski's biggest problems in life used to be easily defined: figuring out how to get her friends to be civil towards one another, not missing the delivery time for her next collectable and finding out how to convince people that – yes, she does have a collection of fantasy weapons – but no, she isn't a nerd.

At least, those were her worries before her idiot brother decided that it would be a great idea to go searching the woods at night for a dead body.

Now she finds herself anxious about almost everything; not only have none of her old problems disappeared (her friends still hate each other, she hasn't even had time to order anything new and now, she's finding herself trying to convince her dad that – no, that's not blood on my special edition Batarang – when really it is and she has no idea how to get it out) but now she has new, even worse ones. Like deciding whether or not she can trust Derek Hale, trying to help her best friend not rage out and kill people and keeping herself and everyone else alive when all she wants to do is crawl under her bed and hide.

With her friends and family in tow and a surprisingly useful hobby, Lily Stilinski thinks she just might make it out relatively okay – too bad she can't say the same for her collection.


I began writing this book when I was 14. I didn't think about how weird the age gap was, but now as an adult, it creeps me out. I won't take the book down as I know a lot of people enjoy it. But please keep in mind that I do not endorse or support the age gap here.


Okay so this is my first story I've uploaded to Wattpad and I'm scared 'cause what if this sucks? But I'm also excited 'cause I love Teen Wolf and I've always wanted to write my own fic for it. It's going to be Derek Hale story because I just haven't loved any of the romances they've given him and I definitely couldn't do better, but I thought it might be fun to at least try.

Please give it a chance and let know what you think!

I don't own Teen Wolf or any of the characters apart from the obvious one, Lily.

Ghost ↬ Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now