"It's true. The network system is divided into different fragments. It's complicated. I have been able to hack the easy stuff like computers; the security locks and passwords, are the harder things." Alice explains as she drinks her glass of Lemonade.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure to send help soon." Simmons says and of course, we have no Idea what he means. "What's bothering you guys?" Somehow he finds and pays attention to everything.

"It's nothing really." I try to curve the subject but Simmons keeps pressing until finally we tell him about the Mom documents from Thailand, Chris and I found. Simmons gives us advice and tells us to obviously head to Thailand after the wedding and find out what the documents mean.

"With what money?" Maggie asks after Simmons explains the Thailand situation.

"I still haven't even touched my check." I grin. We finish our food and Simmons lets us go.

We leave and head to buy some accessories for the wedding at the Malibu Country Mart. Not that the wedding is a big deal, but we need to act like it is. In the back of my head, I have the idea of calling Deckard and telling him about our recent discovery about Mom; I'll wait until the wedding is done and over with though.

"What did Simmons meant when he said help will be with us soon?" Maggie asks as she walks next to me to the jewelry store. Chris and Alice went to some shoe store.

"Honestly I don't know, but whatever it is, we need it asap." I say walking in the store.

Hours Later - Back at the mansion

"Rumors are going around that someone broke in last night." The handsome but annoying lawn mower guy says as I sit in one of the chairs of the patio. I roll my eyes when he sits on the one next to me.

"Really? And you are telling me this because?" I say giving all my attention to my phone so that he can notice I have no interest in talking to him, but instead he keeps on talking.

"Kind of weird that your room is literally next to Shaw's and you didn't hear anything..." He says giving me a suspicious look. I put my phone down and look straight at him.

"What are your trying to insinuate?"

He smiles widely. "No nothing. I mind my business around here."

"That's how it should be for a simple worker." I say joking around.

"Well this simple worker is not 'simple'.. I have been working here all my life. I know my way around the whole mansion."

I sit and think about what he said. He knows his way around the whole house. "Your dad is the butler?"

"No, even bigger. He is Ralph's right hand. My uncle is the butler." He lays down proudly into the chair. His arms in the back of his neck. I look at him for a while as he smiles. "Let me introduce myself....Robert Sanchez."

He extends his left hand and I shake it. If we are going to this thing on Saturday, we will need allies.

"Hey? Now that we are...acquaintances, do you think you can help me out?" I say with a soft tone in my voice.

"With?" He asks shifting in his chair.

"Umm, so like I need..the" I move closer to him and whisper in his ear. I feel highly uncomfortable."Uh the keys to the basement for Saturday?" I smell the weird scent of grass on him as I pull back to my seat and  wait for him to respond.

"Keys? There is not magical doors to the basement that we can just open." He laughs but then stops as he realizes I found no humor to his lame joke. "Uh, it will be hard, but I'll do it just because we are on the same team." He turns serious like he has a disguise on and he suddenly came out of it.

"Wait? The same team.." I say and I notice he takes out the watch the CIA gives us all.

"Simmons contacted me a few months ago. I been working for him since then." He says putting the watch away. It doesn't surprise me, nothing surprises me anymore.

"So you know about Saturday?" I ask.

"Yes. I was planning to help you guys anyway with granting access to the basement, but you cut the cake before the birthday song." He jokes and I kind of laugh at his stupidity.

"Sorry." I say joking. "Why were you so rude to me then? Yesterday especially."

"That was just me messing with the angry Rosie, Simmons told me about. Boy he wasn't kidding." He says and I shake my head. "But let me just say, he never told me how beautiful you were."

"Really? Flirting." I say and I stand up. "Anyway, we need to discuss the plan with you. Meet me tonight in my room at like 11:30 PM." I pause and realize that it came out a bit intimidating.

"Your crazy right? How will I sneak into the house at 11:30 PM?" Robert says standing up.

"Okay then. We will meet up somewhere at 11:30 PM."

"Where can we meet up at 11:30 PM?" He mocks my tone as he speaks.

"Ugh..." I say and then I think of something brilliant. "Do you like cars?"

"Yes, I do why...wait? Aren't you all racers?" He looks at me shaking his head.

"Exactly." I say and smile. "The River hill, tonight at , you can guess the time."

"Let me guess...11:30 PM." He mumbles and I walk away laughing.

Hours later: my room

"So the hot worker is an agent like yall?" Maggie says interested in what I had to say.

"I knew I saw him somewhere else!" Alice says eating baby carrots as she flips through an all about hacking magazine. I didn't even know they made those

"Yes, and we will meet up tonight to talk some details out. " I say brushing my soft hair. "Wait, what do you mean you saw him somewhere else?"

"Somewhere in the Malibu beach house .....and Rosie .....We don't talk details out." Alice grins. She knows what's going to happen.

"What?" Maggie laughs confused.

"A race darling. That's what will happen tonight." I glance  at Alice and we clash fists and then a peace sign coming from out chest. This weird thing we used to do some years ago.

" I've never-" Maggie starts to say.

"You will be with me don't worry." I say giving her a smile.

"You know where Sasha is at?" Alice asks standing up from the floor.

"I think she is picking up her relatives from the airport today." Maggie says. We then hear the doorbell ring downstairs. It's so unusual to hear that doorbell ring hence no one uses it. Unless someone very curious who knows there is a doorbell rings it.

The three of us walk downstairs. The service person opens the door and a mega surprise comes through the door.

"The doorbell is extraordinary!" Melvin says as he walks inside the house. Of course,it had to be Melvin.

"So this is who Simmons meant when he said he was going to send help." Alice says as we both walk down to greet him.

"Melvinnnnn!" I exclaim.

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