No wonder Evan wanted to keep his child away from even the shadow of her.

Ramona chuckled humorlessly as she sank back into her bed which was getting really uncomfortable now because of her sweating all night during thrashing and crying because of her nightmares.

Harry at some point had come into her room and held her for the rest of the night. Ramona didn't know how he entered her room for she remembered locking the door firmly before, she guessed it might be the other set of keys of the house. She was thankful though, for having someone to hold her and not letting the slippery cliff drag down her mind once again.

In the morning she somehow, demanded Harry to go to school and stop worrying about her. It was his last year and she didn't wanted to hold him back than she already had. Harry deserved to go to a good college, make a future for himself, have a life. He had to let her go sometime and it would be soon. Ramona felt dread settle in her stomach at the thought of a very lonely life approaching. It seemed hopeless, darker than it's now.

The cover flew off her body in a strong, hard yank.

Startled out off her thoughts Ramona jumped a little from her lying position. She groaned looking at the person standing by the foot of her bed with an extremely annoyed expression marring his face.

"Go away Sylvester!" She tried pulling the covers up again to fail miserably as Sylvester threw the covers carelessly at the other end of the room.

"You know what! I'm tired of having you moping inside your room, rolling like a log in your bed that stinks by now... and it's freaking so sunny outside! Look at your room, it's like a set up of a horror film." Sylvester had already pulled away all the blinds to let some sun in.

Still laying on the bed Ramona covered her eyes with the back of her hand and was about to curl her body into a ball turning sideways only to be gasping when she felt hands on around her feet. The next second she was dragged out of the bed in one swift motion.

Sylvester voice echoed in her eardrums. "No way I'm letting you stay in that hell of a bed one - more - second and waste your pretty little brain cells on useless depressing thoughts." He was firm and he was clear... but Ramona wasn't least bit impressed here.

"Don't act like you're my psychiatrist Syl. I'm not even under your sister's treatment or care anymore." She said bitterly, wishing to be left alone for a little while more.

Sylvester, however had his mind set up firmly as he countered back with as much firmness, "But I thought I was your friend?"

"I don't want your pity." Ramona yelled breathing heavily. Instantly she closed her eyes, trying to calm herself... trying to not to hurt those people close to her, trying not to push away those few people who understood her, knew her.

A brief minute of silence and when she opened her eyes Sylvester had his one eyebrow raised at her. And she knew, he wasn't going to back off. The moron cared for her way too much.

So just after a matter of half an hour later, Ramona was coming out of the front door of her house with Sylvester towing after her. He had barked at her continuously until she had cleaned herself, got dressed properly, had her breakfast and was out of the house for her grocery shopping. He insisted that they had nothing to eat.

Ramona could only grumble, all her protests were ignored. Sylvester was a pestering fellow, learnt all his tricks from his professional sister who was a master on manipulating people's mind being a shrink and all that.

But how she adored them might never get expressed fully by her.

She adored them for how they never lost hope in her when she had at one moment, when there were many people like Evan around her judging way too quickly.

You've Got A Way (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz