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Note: A Beta Program called Wattpad Futures was launched on Wattpad to help the writers to make money from their works. By showing ads in between the chapters. The ads should pop-up every thirty minutes.

They had selected some writers to participate in the said program and I'm lucky to be chosen. We earn a certain percentage of the earnings and with these ads, it will keep the wattpad free for everyone.

I hope that you don't mind the ads, as it will help me and the others a tad bit. (An added inspiration I guess..) Video ads should last 30 seconds or less.

If you think that they pop-up more often than every after thirty minutes, please report it to the Wattpad Help Center and they will resolve the issue.

Here's the link:

Thank you so much, guys, for the never ending support. 

His Wicked Ways (Unedited Version)Where stories live. Discover now