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Joven was rubbing my head as I tried to relax from the long hours of labor, his smile was warm and I was happy that he was on my side. 

"You will be under observation for a few days just to make sure everything is okay for you to go home. I'll have a nurse bring your little boy back after the tests are done, then we will give you time to discuss the name with the father for your son." the doctor smiled I couldn't speak because how exhausted I was from the delivery. I looked rolled onto my side no longer feeling the weight of the bump on my lower back anymore.

"Wes called his brother, they will be here by the end of the week so they told him to tell you to pick the baby's name. They think that you deserve that since they had no names picked out or any names ready to go." Joven whispered rubbing the top of my head until Anthony entered the room behind me, Joven kissed the top of my head before standing up. "I will tell everyone to go home and rest, you both need some too. I will see you both a little later." He hugged Anthony tightly whispering something in his ear before moving away and leaving the room. Anthony sat in the chair Joven was sitting in earlier and touched my face with his hand.

"What did Joven say to you?" I asked weakly Anthony took my hand with his, rubbing his thumb against my skin.

"He just said to take good care of you." he smiled the door opened behind us and I could hear a cart's wheel come up behind me. I flipped over slowly seeing the nurse come in with the now quiet baby into the room. 

"Here's your little baby boy. He's a perfect 7lbs 8oz and 20.5 inches long." the nurse replied lifting him up and placing him into my arms, he cooed and squirmed a little settling almost instantly. His face was perfect, he shared the similar jawline of Anthony and had my nose to match. "We will come by later to show you how to breastfeed and to make out the birth certificate."

"What about the adopted parents?" Anthony asked as I cuddled with the baby boy in my arms, his little fingers touching some strands of my hair.

"We need the biological birth certificate and then when they arrive with will create the adopted one. Don't worry we will work all of this out for you two." the nurse exclaimed walking out of the room as Anthony sat on the corner of the bed looking over my shoulder smiling. 

"Look what we did...he is a miracle." I whispered Anthony smiled, he rubbed my back with his hand softly though it stung a little I wouldn't let it bother me. "Do you want to hold him?" Anthony held out his arms and I laid our little baby boy into his arms.

"He is perfect..." Anthony replied I pressed my chin against his shoulder as he cradled our son tightly in his arms. While I watched him hold our son a name popped into my head, I knew it was a perfect fit for this little boy.

"I have a middle name for this little boy..." I exclaimed Anthony turned his head to face me, I gave him a small smile.

"What would that be?" he asked I leaned forward kissing his lips lightly hoping not to tear the stitches in my back from the knife wound and I broke away again.

" his protective daddy for saving me and him from that psychopath. He is also the man who told me that he loved me, the first time anyone has said these words to me ever. The boy I fell in love with when I first saw him and I always will." I answered he smiled leaning his face towards mine again and kissed me yet again. He broke away from me just as the baby began to fuss in his arms, the nurse walked back in with the computer to use for the birth certificate. 

"So we shall do the birth certificate first and then I will help you breastfeed. So baby boy was born at 6:32am of January 26th. He is 7 pounds 8 ounces and 20.5 inches long. The birth parents are Kendall Marie Ovenshire born April 9th 1988 and Anthony (Unknown) Padilla born September 16th 1987. Is this information correct?" the nurse asked both Anthony and I nodded at the nurse who typed the information into her computer. After she finished with that she looked up at Anthony and I for the next part of the certificate, our son's name. "So what would you like to name your baby?"

"We have a middle name...Anthony but I don't have a first name in mind." I started as Anthony looked over at me almost like he had something in mind.

"I do have a first name if you don't mind me using it?" he asked I shook my head at him signalling that I had no problem with whatever name he had in mind. He turned to face the nurse who was waiting for him to give the name. "Daniel...after my father." I smiled it was a perfect name for this little guy who was strong and he will be a miracle for Wes's brother and his wife to have.

"Daniel Anthony Padilla or Ovenshire?" the nurse asked I looked over at Anthony and I felt like I could read his mind instantly.

" his father." I smiled and Anthony smiled happy to hear that his son would take his last name on his biological birth certificate.

"Alright, welcome to the world Daniel Anthony Padilla." the nurse answered printing the certificate out for the records and the next certificate will replace the original last name to Daniel Anthony Johnson.

~~Awwwww Daniel Anthony so sweet. So you all know there is only two more chapters left and after this I'm taking a small break to workout my schedule so I can write and I can work. So I'll keep you posted on that soon. Thank you and enjoy the story. -DW~~      

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