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-warning: these next few chapters contain some violence-DW

I awoke feeling fuzzy with the entire room was blurry, my brown hair was across my face with a piece of tape strapped across my mouth and I couldn't move my hands or legs. When I blinked a few more times I moved my head causing the hair to fall away from my face and I could on see candles lit up around me. I could see my arms were pinned to either side of my head and my feet were tied to each bedpost.

"'re awake finally." a hoarse voice exclaimed I squinted trying to focus my vision on the dark figure standing on the side of the room. I couldn't speak with the tape against my mouth, I could feel the baby kick against my ribs though like it was in panic or sensed I was. "I will remove the tape if you don't scream...if you do then I will plunge this nice knife right here, understand?" He pressed the tip of the knife on top of my bump, my body trembled for the baby and I could only nod yes. He used his other hand pulling the tape from my mouth slowly as it stung against my skin.

"Why are you doing this to me? Who are you? What do you want?" I replied in a slight whisper because of the pain in my stomach.

"I want revenge...that son of a bitch Padilla stole the love of my life away, he took her away from me so now I have something he wants desperately. You and his baby." he exclaimed I watch him move away taking a cell phone from the chair looking down at it and then gave a semi smirk to what he saw on the screen. "If he comes like I told him I will release you, if he gets the police involved then I will have to make my point another way." 

"But Kalel broke it off with Anthony almost a year ago, why don't you try to get her back?" I reminded watching him grip the knife in his hand like he wanted to charge at me with it, I held my breath praying he wouldn't.

"Don't you think I tried? She broke up with me after graduation for no reason and that dick Anthony Padilla swoops in taking her away from me for three years. Then the bastard proposes to her and she accepts his cheesy proposal." he tweaked I could see that he was definitely drugged out by the way he was looking. He grabbed either side of his head trying to focus as I kept one eye on him the other I focused hard on the knife. "Then when she ended I was relieved but she refused me because she thinks I have a drug problem. Says I'm crazy and need help...does it look like I want help? I want vengeance, I want Padilla to suffer just like I had watching them two together. That's where I hatched the plan, I followed him around learning his routine and when he least expected it I would release my wraith. But one day I see you with him, pregnant and then it hit me, take somebody he loves and thats exactly what I did. So if he listens I won't have to cut that precious little baby out of your womb and send its dead corpse to him along with your heart."

"You're a monster!" I whimpered watching him trace the blade across my bump then towards my neck causing me to gasp. He grabbed the roll of duct table from the side table with the other hand keeping his eyes locked onto mine, they were a piercing blue almost like they were stabbing me right into my soul.

"He made me into this... now shut the hell up." he hissed removing the blade ripping the duct tape with his teeth and pressed it across my mouth silencing me. He slammed the duct tape down loudly onto the table next to me causing me to jump. His face looked back at me giving me an ominous stare and a sinister smile to match it. "You better pray Padilla comes or I will have to start using this...and I won't be gentle either." He twirled the blade as I gulped my heart that was in my throat and he moved away from me leaving me alone in the rundown room.