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The nurse was placing the bandage on my forearm from the cut I received from Tommy during our fight with the knife. The detectives said they would be in touch when they were finished with Tommy, all Tommy yelled was that we were both dead when they got his hands on us again. Kay was in surgery, the doctor gave her some terbutaline to stall the labor so they could fix the the injury to her back. I hoped the baby was going to be okay the entire time the nurse was cleaning my wound, after she finished I sat patiently in the waiting room for the crew to arrive. They arrived a few minutes later, both Wes and Joven looked like they were in a panic. 

"How are they?" Wes asked they looked like they were running through the garage to get to the emergency center of the hospital. 

"The doctor said he would let me know as soon as he figured out what was happening." I answered and the moment I said those words was when the doctor appeared. Wes, Joven and I all moved towards him while the others sat patiently in the waiting room. "How is she and the baby?"

"Their is good news and there is some bad news. The good news is that the stab wound she sustained only pierced muscle, he didn't jam it deep enough to cause any serious harm to any of the vital organs..." the doctor started my chest didn't untighten yet because I knew that there was some bad news that I had to hear next.

"And the bad news?" Wes squeaked out his voice was trembling and was very tense just like my body was right now.

"The knife caused the placenta to slightly rupture...we gave her some medication to slow the labor down but if she doesn't deliver tonight then the placenta could abrupt. When that happens that can cause both mother and baby be in serious trouble. She's aware of this, she's about three centimeters dilated right now so she is going to deliver the baby tonight." the doctor explained my chest was still tight, I looked to see Joven and Wes were both still. Kay was going to be alright and she was also goinf to deliver our baby tonight.

"Can we see her?" I asked choking out the words as they were stuck in my throat; the doctor looked up at me, Joven and Wes.

"She is very weak but stable enough for visitors. I would suggest that only the father and any family only for right now." the doctor reminded, Joven and I nodded as Wes seemed to back away to call on his phone to possibly his brother to let him know what was going on. Joven and I followed the doctor towards the small room where Kay was, when he opened the door I saw her laying there resting. "I will be back in a little bit to check on her progress of her labor." he shut the door behind him as we both Joven and I moved towards her. I went to one side and Joven went to the other as Kay slowly opened her eyes smiling weakly at us both. 

"Kay...I'm so happy to see you." Joven smiled, he touched her hand with his as she gave a small smile that was very weak.

"Hey Jovie....I'm sorry that I scared you..." she replied very weak and he shook his head no towards her touching the top of her head with his hand. 

"Don't worry about it....right now you have to worry about being strong and delivering the baby healthy ." he grinned squeezing her hand tightly against his, I could see both brother and sister fianlly happy with one another.