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I headed away from Kendall letting her talk to her brother and Wes about what was going on when I made my way to Ian in the office area. I will admit that Kendall was very pretty and I still find it hard to believe that she is Joven's younger sister, she looks completely different from him. Joven wears glasses but Kendall doesn't it looks like, her brown eyes are a lot more vibrant than Joven's. Her skin looks softer and a lot tanner than his too, I don't know why I am thinking about Kendall this way when I shouldn't. I plopped down into the chair placing my arms on the desk and my face in my hands trying to drown out those thoughts I had about Kendall when Ian dropped something in front of me causing me to jump.

"Jumpy? Aren't we Anthony?" Ian laughed before plopping in the chair in front of me, our desks sat across from each other and the way it is divided is by the pictures and computer monitors. I had pictures of my family, of Pip and I recently removed one of Kalel.

"Nah just caught me surprise that's all. So do you think Kendall will like it here?" I asked Ian looked up from his computer monitor, his blue eyes locked onto my brown eyes.

"I think she will be a great addition, the crew are excited to see what she can do and Mari is happy not to be the only female in the group too. Joven says she is a skilled Gamer so we can expect that Sohinki and Lasercorn will have some competition on their hands." Ian explained I nodded pulling up the Smosh server seeing a new entry appear in the screen. A few clicks it showed me Kendall's new profile, the username said KAY and the profile picture was of Kendall. Her grin caught me by surprise, it was very beautiful with a bright white teeth to match. "Dude you've been staring your screen for almost an hour blankly, you're not watching porn are you?"

"What? No! If I was watching porn I wouldn't be watching it in front of you. I'm just really tired today that's all." I smiled Ian didn't seem too convinced about my answer but he let it go because he was typing away on his computer again. After a few minutes I sat back in my chair stretching yawning, normally we didn't edit our videos but this time we needed too. Ian was editing a lunchtime with Smosh and I was editing Smosh is Bored episode. I could hear laughter coming from the hallway then heard a knock on the door of our office. "Come in." The door opened and it was Lasercorn with Mari behind him, she was very short compared to him.

"Hey Anthony we were going to grab some food and we wanted to know if you or Ian wanted anything while we are out?" Lasercorn asked it was very nice of him to ask, I mean they normally did ask if we wanted anything but we always told them no.

"Where are you going?" Ian questioned spinning his chair to face him and Mari as I looked up from my computer monitor.

"Just going to the store sandwiches, we know you're vegan Anthony so yes they have vegan options there." Lasercorn reminded I remembered that I went vegan not only for my health problems that required me to change my diet but I did it for Kalel.

"Whatever they have its fine for me, I'm going to grab some coffee to wake myself up." I smiled walking passed them and headed to the kitchen area. Everything in my head seemed to settle now but the thought of Kendall was all that remained.

ACCIDENTAL GAME BANG (ANTHONY PADILLA FANFIC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin