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My heart sank for slapping Kay in her face and when Wes mentioned that Kay was planning to give the baby up for adoption made it sank more. 

"She was planning to give the baby to my brother and my sister in law because they were having trouble conceiving." he replied I kept my back towards him, that made me feel worse than I ever felt to think my sister was actually doing the right thing. 

"You don't understand Wes, I was hoping her being here would prevent her from getting into any trouble. Just when I think that's what I'm doing bam she ends up pregnant, to think she would be smart enough to use protection." I explained the look on Wes's face was pure anger and frustration towards me.

"She was protected Joven, the condom accidently broke and she found out too late about it." he answered it was shocking to hear that Wes knew about this when I didn't. Before I could even speak I could hear Wes moving away from me heading up the stairs and slammed his bedroom door without another word. I pulled out my phone, dialed my sister's number hearing the long dial tone for a moment and then the phone went straight to voicemail. I felt like a hole was punched inside my chest since I was a dick. I thought it would be better if I gave Kay some space to cool off, I needed to cool off too by the way I acted today. I think playing some video games will help relieve some of the tension that was still on my mind.  After about an hour went by there was a small knock on the front door behind me, I moved over opening it to see it was Anthony.

"Hey Anthony? What are you doing here?" I asked letting him in, he seemed nervous to say anything to me which I got a strange vibe off him. Before he said anything I heard Wes coming down the stairs looking at both of us when he stopped and stood nearby.

"I came here to talk to you about something that I feel needs to be known. I just don't know exactly how to say it." he started I looked over seeing Wes's brown eyes lit up confusing me when I turned my gaze back onto Anthony. I sat on the rim of the couch with my arms crossed waiting to hear what he had to say. "Okay....I'm the father of Kay's baby." My body went numb and my mind evaporated from my skull because I had no control over my motor skills. Somehow I swung my hand at Anthony's face and it hit him square in the jaw, Wes bear hugged me to stop from swinging again. I hated that he would tower over me to stop me but in this case I think I needed him to.

"You slept with my sister?" I yelled seeming like that was all I could say as Anthony touched his lower lip with a little blood visible. 

"Okay...I deserved that but I also came to tell you that I've been by Kay's side this entire time. I've been taking her to her doctor appointments and we have been dating for the last five months." Anthony explained everything inside me froze now to listen to what he had to say and I kept my mouth shut. "Listen Joven...I wouldn't do anything to hurt Kay. I will be with her through all of this, even after she gives birth and when she gives our baby up for adoption." 

"I'm sorry for punching you in the face, today has just been one hell of a day." I apologised he gave me a semi smile relieving that he wasn't mad with me.

"It's's a relief that you know now. Kay is at my apartment with Pip, she thinks I'm grabbing food but I couldn't lie anymore. Get some rest boys it's going to be a long couple of days and then a couple of months." he smiled I nodded he left a few minutes later as I turned to look at Wes who gave me his smile and I could only smile back.

"Are you in the mood for some Mortal Kombat?" I asked and Wes sped over to the couch grabbing the extra controller ready to play. I felt relief for the first time since Kay got here and now I know that Anthony will take care of her makes it a lot better for me.